Mag-Lite 7 cell


Feb 25, 2001
The Netherlands (NL)
I was just browsing the web when I came across a website called "Prodefense Police Equipment". I automatically went to the flashlight section as I do on every 'neato' equipment website, and in the product listing I noticed "Mag-Lite 7 Cell Mag-Num Star C or D Replacement Lamp". See for yourself at (look under bulbs).

Could this mean that Mag-Lite did make a model bigger then the 6 cell, as some CPF members spoke about in an earlier thread ( ) ?

An old quote, (quoting myself)

"Incidentally, after reading one old thread, Topic: 8 d cell mag lite, ( Dec 2000 ) ( Asking did one ever exist ? )
I did ~15 years ago see an "official" reference in the literature to the once available 7D cell Mag-Lite.
I marveled.
A lot."

So even if the 7D is no longer made, the lamps are available still ?

I have a 6D maglite, how cool would a 7D or 8D be, I would pay like $150 for it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SPECIALIST:
I have a 6D maglite, how cool would a 7D or 8D be, I would pay like $150 for it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have a Brinkman which has 2 2D cell tube and a 3D cell tube. (Most of you know this light probably). Also the switch assembly is a seperate unit. So you can use it as a 2D, 3D and 5D light (and putting the switch in where you want, either in front as usual or in between the 2D and 3D tube). It would be no problem to buy another one and make a 4D, 6D, 7D, 8D or 10D cell light. Either looking for a approbriate bulb or using a LVR (which should be easy to integrate into the switch assembly).
Of course it is no MagLite.
Are there no aftermarket extension tube available (for Maglites)?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SPECIALIST:
I have a 6D maglite, how cool would a 7D or 8D be, I would pay like $150 for it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I used to have a 6-D Mag lite... what a beating stick that could make. I lost it though when someone stole my car, cause it was in the trunk with all my work tools.

Still have a 5-C model, and the ubitiquous 3-D and 2-D mags.
Back in the early 1990's I pourchased a 7 D cell light from GT Price products in california. It strongly reminded me of a brinkman. Anyway it had a 4 D section and a 3 D section joined by a switch. Again like the 5,3,2 Brinkmans.

Anyway I payed $50 for it, I later sold it for $20. I found it too big and too heavey to be useful
Anyone who was in on the group buy of pink Mini-Mags can tell you, that inside the presentation case with the light, is a brochure of maglight products, that lists, and has a picture of the 7 C cell Mag-lite.

The brochure is dated 9/87.
Do you think that the bulb mentioned at the beginning of this posting would work in the 7xAA Brute?
Yes, Maglite did make a seven C and D cell light in the seventies. I bought two seven D cell mags from a small gun shop in L.A. around 1974-75. The shop's main clientele were police officers so they might have been a special run for LEO's. They were not custom made and came from the factory. They came in cardboard boxes and had Maglite Inc. on the boxes. I had never seen them anywhere else so I went back a couple of years later to get a C cell and another D cell, (I gave the two I had away), and the shop was out of business. As you know, you can still get six cell D and C's but I have never seen another 7 cell mag since.
I bought a 7C MagLite at a gun show back ion the 80's. It is 18" overall length. It is much more comfortable to hold than the D cell lights. I also have a 2 D MagLite.
Bulbs for the 7 cell lights are getting harder to find because dealers don't usually stock them.

The C cell MagLite is about the same size in diameter as a PR24 baton and it can be used as a very formidable weapon. So good in fact the many cities have paid damages to miscreants with broken arm and legs.
Wichita, Kansas does not allow any metal bodied lights for that reason.

A simple conductor can be fashioned to replace one cell and make it 6 cells and the NiteIze C-D 1 Watt LED can be used. A carriage bolt and acorn nut in a plastic insulator [I used a blood glucose test strip container the size of a C cell woth a 1/4"x2" bolt to make one.

Is the 5,3,2 Brinkman available?

Never underestimate the importance of bragging rights!
I got one recently and I'm waiting to find another to make a 7 or 8 D light.

Back to topic I finally got a 7C with spare bulbs on the way. I really wish I could mod this to LED dropin without using dummy cells since quality PR20 bulbs are rather hard to come buy nowadays.
Well it is an old light and people brag about being here 20 years. I find posts from you all the time from long ago!