Mag Replacement Reflectors

Bill Campfield

Newly Enlightened
Apr 5, 2007
Can anyone explain in laymen's (i.e. newbee) terms what I should do to purchse the correct aluminum replacement reflectors for C and D Maglites for the new TerraLUX MiniStar SSC drop in bulbs. Any information about opening size, surfacing, flood vs. spill, cam or camless, where to purchase, and any other issues would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
You don't need to replace it. Shouldn't be any heat issues and the stock reflector is pretty good. As far as hole sizes and textures they run the gambit. Modamag doesn't sell these here any more but his old thread has some good info to start with. Reflectors
if u purchase one of the aluminum reflectors, the opening is too small for your terralux drop in, so you're gonna have to bore out the hole. Another alternative is to sputter the reflector with clear acrylic or even hairspray.
Thanks everyone. I haven't ordered the TerraLUX Ministar bulb, but my experience with other Mag drop in units is the extra tight spot. Then there's the center hole and ring distortions that occur with stock Mag reflectors when the beam is widened. Any helpful experiences here? Bill
Thanks Flash,
I've read that sputtering the stock refector is an improvement, but it seems that you'd have to get it exactly right with the first shot. I'm just not that good with spray cans. I'd rather pay for a manufactured replacement, but it's been hard to make an enlightened choice. ---Bill
use hairspray then, if u dont like it u can wash it off. on what brand to use.....sorry cant help you there
I've heard about the hairspray thing a few times, does it work well long term? Does it have problems in the heat?

I'm curious how well a harisprayed reflector works after a few months. Doesn't hairspray use an alcohol base? I got some alcohol on a platic reflector recently and now it's nice and cloudy (couldn't clean off the cloudiness, ended up scratching it up).