Mag Shocker!


Oct 23, 2002
If I can't suggest a sub £20/$30 flashlight alternative my sister is going to buy a Mag AA!!!!SHOCK HORROR

Please help me stop this by suggesting a good quality, non-rechargeable, compact light!! She is spending 3 months travelling so easy to find AA batteries are preferred! Thanks for any help!
Although they use AAA batteries, the Princeton Tec Blast (2AAA) or the Rage (4AAA) far outshine the Mag AA series. If she must have AA then the only thing that comes to mind is the Brinkmann nexstar series. They are pretty darn bright, but not nearly as bright as the Princeton Tec line. The PT's are pretty inexpensive here in the States. There must be a source over there for them. Don't know for sure though.

PRINCETON Tec 20 ~ £16 RRP
Power: 2 Watt
Bulb: Halogen (Long Burn Available)
Batteries: 2 AA Alkaline, Included
Reflector: Focused Narrow Beam
Burn Time: 2-2.25 Hrs.
Weight: 3.2 oz. with Batteries

Power: 4 Watt
Bulb: Halogen
Batteries: 4 AA Alkaline
Reflector: Focused Narrow Beam
Burn Time: 3-5 Hrs.
Weight: 5.1 oz. with Batteries
Hello Andy...where did you get thoose prices from? Do they have a website? Have you used the company? Thanks!!
I have used Heinnie Haynes before. But quite expensive though. But free delivery to UK addresses is a plus for low price item.

All above description are copied from their web

You'll also find Surefire here - huh!
If you want a Mag AA + Newbeam
You have to do this through
Mag AA = £9.55
Opalec = £17.99
Delivery = 95p (took about a week to ship)
I have already got the LED conversion for my own mini-mag (even from 7dayshop!!)! I would offer my own...but its kinda gone missing!! To much moving from place to place (I'm a student). SO if she bought a mag and the conversion it would exceed her budget! Thanks for all the advice people!
Andy! Thank you very much for the website...I just ordered an M3 in the U.S and I'm really pleased now as I saved over £100 on this UK price!
I don't know what the UK price is, but US is about $16 for a UK 4AA & would be a great sub of a MiniMag. TX
Man, I had this nice post written, and it got lost in cyberspace when I tried to send it. Hitting the back button did not help either!

OK, I did a search at and his site shows 44 lights that use AA batteries.

I am sure that you explained to your sister the shortcomings of the mini-mag. While an ok light, not the best choice.

IF I could only recommend 1, commercially available, AA light IN YOUR PRICE RANGE, it would be the Streamlight 4AA, 7 LED light.


While we all know that Incandecents are better at certain things than LED's, specifically comparing a mini-mag (or any other 2 AA incandecent) to the Streamlight 4AA, 7LED light, the Streamlight would win in every catagory. Whiter, Brighter, Wider light, with MUCH LONGER runtime, and never have to worry about a "bulb" burning out! Yet it is still compact enought to fit into a purse (even a small purse) or a pocket. The Mini-mag has a 2-3 hour run time, then you are left with a fire-fly glow. The Streamlight 4AA, 7 LED has a 155 hour run time, with diminishing brightness. So that means she will almost never be left in the dark in a situation. While the light gets less intense, the COLOR of the light stays a very very white light. That mini mag (or any 2aa light) can poop out very suddenly.

Now I don't know what she is going to be doing in these 3 months. Is she staying at 4 star hotels, or is she camping out? different activities would require different lights.

Now, for a 3 month trip, here is what I would recommend, again, with two exceptions, keeping the AA and Commercially available requirements in mind:

Princeton Tec SURGE. Takes 8AA batteries, and is one of the brightest lights and a good value. 3-5 hour run time. Compact, and lightweight. This light is BRIGHT, and when you NEED this light, no LED is going to substutite for this light. I would have this on me, if I were traveling for 3 months. Also consider the Princeton Tec Tec 20 or Tec 40 or UKe 4aa lights, if cost or size is an issue with the Surge.

An ARC AAA or Inova Microlight on her keychain. Throw a pack of AAA's in her suitcase or a couple of sets of Lithium button batteries from Radio Shack, and you are set.

A CMG Infinity Ultra with a laynard. Takes 1 AA battery, nice light for a room, not too bright but very wide, small. Great to put around the neck, a nice light to light up a room (even a big room) when you are sleeping.

I would also recommend a portable smoke/fire alarm, and one of those portable extra locks that you add on to a hotel door, that prevents the door from opening, if if it jimmied, or if someone has the official hotel keys.
What they said about PT40 (VERY bright and well dispersed)SL 4AA (VERY bright and kinda tight)or a mod drop in LED for a M!n! M*g (mine Madmax and a VERY useful light!).

Edited to add: Oh YEAH! What they said about ARCAAA and Infinity Ultra too!!!! AMAZING output for the size. Nice runtime too! No bulb to burn out either!

Also possible are Pelican Miti Lite 2AAA (pretty bright, darn tight), SL Pro Polymer 2AA (Quite bright and pretty tight), or Rayovac Industrial 2AA (Maybe no brighter than MM but much more useful beam!).

I myself have ALMOST decided to get an SL 3C 10LED, and 4AA 7LED on the way from Brightguys.... this is if I can't locate them here. I think the 3C could become my favorite LED light (well after ARC AAA of course!!!).

I know nothing about getting anything in the UK... I have only been out of the USA once, a few miles into Mexico... I plan on NEVER leaving USA soil again!
I just wanted to add my vote for the Princeton Tecs. They are much better than Faglites. The other good suggestion was a Mini-Fag drop-in like the Opalec or the Inretech.

If you can only go with one light, I think the best combination of small size, light output (about twice the Opalec), and long runtime is going to be the Inretech mod for $20, but I don't know how easy availability would be for you United Kingdom folks.

I'd say one of the Princeton Tec models would be an alternative if time and availability are an issue. Or if she was planning to do some hiking or camping the Tec 40 (4 AA) would be my first choice.

The Opalec mod would be my last choice unless a relatively small amount of light output is needed (as compared to the others) to maybe find the bathroom or do some reading in the dark.

In reality, and anyone who understands that no one tool fits all needs, if I were traveling, I would want two light sources. One relatively bright and bulkier light source like the PT 40, and one pocketable LED light source like the CMG Infinity Ultra or Arc AAA.

In the US, the PT 40 can be had for ~$15, and the CMG Ultra can be had for ~$20. Both use AAs with good respective run-times and the combination will handle 95% of your light needs while traveling for a few months.
Thanks alot for all the help people
I have been looking at the PT lights suggested...streamlight seem hard to get hold of here unless you want to pay lots. I could import, but you run the risk of customs and duties removing the savings!!!

What about the Turtlelite II?
WOW!Andy your the source of all knowledge!! Cheers for that website...the funny thing is I actually have a Glow Ring packet here infront of me with that website on! I just never thought to look!
I second Buddtx's advice about the door locks. Close friend of mine recently backpacked S.E Asia.
As well as lending her one of my CMG infinitys which she was very pleased with I also made sure she had a portable door lock.
You can see the type at:
I think you can also find them at YHA Adventure stores.
She also took a personal alarm with a pull cord which could be looped around a door handle. You can find the type here:
she was told that there the most reliable types of alarms.
Soz if all of this was a bit off-topic.