MagLED 2AA destroyed


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
OK, here is the story - I got the infamous intermittent blinking and flickering with this MagLED 2AA.
First, I checked the cells, they are Powerex 2700 MaH and were at 1.22 and 1.24V. Not low enough not to work and not a huge difference in voltage.
Then in my infinite wisdom I took some electrical parts cleaner spray and liberally applied it all over the light. I had previously cleaned the inside contacts with it some months ago (some drops on a Q-tip taped to a pen) so I thought some better therapy was necessary. I applied it not only to the insides but to all the threads, including the one on the head.

Well, the next morning the flickering got much worse and it would take more effort to twist it to turn on.
Upon examination I found this, the LED dim and loose and falling out. The liquid apparently ate through it and damaged things.

So, the moral of the story is - don't soak it in electrical parts cleaner if it starts flickering.


P.S. Can I still salvage it and put a better LED in it?

I EDCed this lite for months, ever since they came out with it.

Meanwhile, I will have to use the 3AA which is still LNIB (without usage)
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Brighteyez said:
Why don't you see if Mag will cover it under warranty?
You're kidding right? You don't see how the electronics cleaner disolved the clear lens of the Lumiled LED?
What's the worse they can say? No, it won't be covered under warranty?

Stereodude said:
You're kidding right? You don't see how the electronics cleaner disolved the clear lens of the Lumiled LED?
The conclusion to the story - I went to both Target and Home Depot and while both agreed to exchange/return it, neither one had the 2AA or 3AA in stock. They offered cash but instead I got some overpriced household goods.

I guess I will have to make do with the 3AA, which is nice, but after months of having it, it's still LNIB due no usage (the 2AA got all the usage)

Also plan to use the 2AA MagLite NiteIze conversion which is noticeably smaller than the MagLED.

Until MagLED comes out with Cree.
Damn crappy *** maglights,I have a 3AAA and use it everyday as a light and as a hammer,Mine was flickering real bad,It turns out that the solder joints,or lack of, inside the module,get loose after awhile,The module needs to be taken out of the head and the positive and negitive need to be soldered to there contact points...

I also jumped a few parts inside mine,and got a little more output from it,and It seems as if these cells have lasted longer since I have done that :S I love my mag,But it seems to me that they left a couple of weak links in it...

Cranked these lights out to fast after realizing that they were behind the times lol...

easy on the language Russell

miniMagLEDs have been known to flicker, I dont know whats the story there.
I dont use mine at all simply because of this fact:ohgeez:
Illum_the_nation said:
easy on the language Russell

miniMagLEDs have been known to flicker, I dont know whats the story there.
I dont use mine at all simply because of this fact

So the solution is don't use it???? It almost makes using the contact cleaner

to put the poor light
out of its misery a logical choice.
Yes, it does.

I was a big fan of them, but don't think I will get anymore or recommend them to anyone. I know they flicker at low voltage, but at 1.22V is totally unacceptable. Heck, the cells themselves say they are 1.2V.

OTOH, I did get lots of heavy duty use - used them from the day they came out and every day. So I think I got my tokens out of it.

My next lite is likely going to be that ElektroLumens 2AA with Cree.

After I wear out the 3AA and the Nite-Ize conversion.

The 3AA is a better lite anyway.

The Nite-Ize MagLite conversion is very underrated here BTW. Sure, it doesn't have the lumens or the throw of the 3W, not even close, but it's surprisingly compact and cheap with supposedly greater run time. And it hasn't flickered thus far.
Illum_the_nation said:
easy on the language Russell

miniMagLEDs have been known to flicker, I dont know whats the story there.
I dont use mine at all simply because of this fact:ohgeez:
I have never had one flicker out of mine after soldering on it ;)
Russell52 said:
Damn crappy *** maglights, I have a 3AAA and use it everyday as a ... hammer, Mine was flickering real bad, It turns out that the solder joints... get loose after awhile.

I just can't imagine why your solder joints get loose when your using the light as a hammer every day. Maybe Mag will replace your clearly defective light under warranty if you tell them the story?
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Russell52 said:
Damn crappy *** maglights,I have a 3AAA and use it everyday as a light and as a hammer,Mine was flickering real bad,It turns out that the solder joints,or lack of, inside the module,get loose after awhile,The module needs to be taken out of the head and the positive and negitive need to be soldered to there contact points...

I also jumped a few parts inside mine,and got a little more output from it,and It seems as if these cells have lasted longer since I have done that :S I love my mag,But it seems to me that they left a couple of weak links in it...

Cranked these lights out to fast after realizing that they were behind the times lol...


Maybe we can get together and start a fund for you to buy other flashlights to use as hammers. Then you can post a review thread and let us know the results of the 2007 flashlight hammer trials.
The connection points in the mags module,are not soldered,They are a springy type connection,They are metal bent in a way so that they contact the + & - sided of the module...

After several uses,They become compressed and no longer function like they used to,so you get that nasty flicker... I simply made a direct connection,and have never had a problem again,Even after using the a** end as a hammer,mainly for beating those stubborn furnace doors back on..

Regardless of how I treat my light now,I have no flickers,And besides,Remeber those commercials of mags getting ran over by a semi,Well I should be able to beat it a little eh? Or was that just false advertising....

Any other smart A** comments??:touche:

For thos of you that just think I beat the holy hell out of this light,here is what its current condition is in..

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Hey Russell - nice pictures. I see you have definitely put your Mag through its paces.

I have three 3AA Mags and have yet to develop the infamous flickering condition of these lights.

Quick question.
Where exactly did you solder the springy-type contacts, and what to? I studied your excellent photos and couldn't quite tell.

So if/when my mags start to flicker, I'll be able to fix 'em.

Your Mag is proof that they'll literally "take a lickin' and keep on tickin':twothumbs .