I would check out Brock's Website: http://www.uwgb.edu/nevermab/flash.htm
The chart at the bottom shoud answer many of your questions. This chart is the flashlight bible (IMHO). I refer to it almost daily. Great work. Please expand it
15 Lum per watt is a VERY rough conversion for high power lights
For example:
M6: 30 watts * 15 lum/watt = 450 lum
SF spec = 500 lum
12 Lum per watt is a VERY rough conversion for low power lights
P60: 5.3 watts * 12 lum/watt = 63.6 lum
SF spec = 65 lum
So, a 3D Mag is a low power light
3.1 watts * 12 lum/watt = 37 lum
(Brock, is 3.1 with STD or Carley bulb?)
and a 2AA mag is a very low power light. I will guess that it is 10 lum/watt
Std bulb: .85W * 10 lum/W = 8.5 lum
Nextstar: 1.25W * 10 lum/W = 12.5 Lum
Before some CPF members freak out, I know this method of Lumen calc is flawed. It is too simple of a model. But, if you know of a better method, I'm all ears.
I would guess the mags are less efficient than the SF's.
The chart at the bottom shoud answer many of your questions. This chart is the flashlight bible (IMHO). I refer to it almost daily. Great work. Please expand it
15 Lum per watt is a VERY rough conversion for high power lights
For example:
M6: 30 watts * 15 lum/watt = 450 lum
SF spec = 500 lum
12 Lum per watt is a VERY rough conversion for low power lights
P60: 5.3 watts * 12 lum/watt = 63.6 lum
SF spec = 65 lum
So, a 3D Mag is a low power light
3.1 watts * 12 lum/watt = 37 lum
(Brock, is 3.1 with STD or Carley bulb?)
and a 2AA mag is a very low power light. I will guess that it is 10 lum/watt
Std bulb: .85W * 10 lum/W = 8.5 lum
Nextstar: 1.25W * 10 lum/W = 12.5 Lum
Before some CPF members freak out, I know this method of Lumen calc is flawed. It is too simple of a model. But, if you know of a better method, I'm all ears.