Your question is somewhat contradictory; in order for a light to have a bright hotspot, it has to be a thrower - a thrower will have very little spill. A wall-of-fire type light will have lots of spill and a broad, not as bright hotspot.
The three drop-ins you listed have very different beam profiles; the Elektrolumens P7 is throw-biased and has a decent hotspot with a broad spill. The TerraLUX TLE-300 uses collimator lenses and throws a wide, giant hotspot with no spill at all. And the Malkoff Triple has a large hotspot and very broad spill, close to the P7 but wider overall.
There's also the hotwire option, which means since you're already modifying your Mag, you can set it up however you want, for throw or flood.
But you'll have to decide which you prefer and to what degree, throw or flood.