Maglite Bulbs - What's the Difference Between

MR Bulk

Aug 12, 2002
Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

...between "Mag-num" Star and "White" Star? Is one of these that new Xenon bulb?
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

neither, they should be both kryton bulbs with the magnum star having a optically enhanced top to have the filament projected out there which i don't find it too useful. the white stars are better. i think someone called them xenon stars here on the forum but i don't remember.
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

I recently asked the same question of Maglite and got the following from Don, I only asked about the 3D and 4D;
3 D MS=24 Lumens, WS = 11 Lumens
4 D MS=35 Lumens, Ws = 32 Lumens

Battery life for WS is approx 12-14 hours and MS 11-13 hours

He also said in another reply that the current MS and WS models are krypton, but the Magnum Star after the first of the year will be zenon with a good boost in output.
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

cntrline, thanks.

Going by the smaller difference in output between the two different 4D bulbs as compared to the 3D bulbs, I guess it would be safe to assume the difference in output between the 5-cell bulbs would be even less, and 6-cell bulbs lesser still...?
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

Don't know that the info is a pattern, but it makes sense, I asked him if the numbers were correct since there was so little difference in the 4D. His reply;

These are correct. We are making big changes on the MS bulb the first of the year, they will become high pressure xenon with a big increase in candlepower.

The zenon star is by Carley
in the upper right corner click on star lamps. You have to wonder if the MS is the Carley star with Mag logo.
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

Yes indeed Mr. Bulk...

There are (CRUD! don't have a package from the Xenons) White Star Kryptons (standard looking), Magnum Star Kryptons (tall skinny and with a magnifying end), and ? Xenon Stars (which look like slightly shorter MS without the magnifying end). I have so far found 2 and 3 cell versions of the Xenons.

Edited to add: The 2 cell Xenons (one was in the 2C Mag - and one is in a 2D Mag) both focus extremely tight, and aren't nearly as good as the 3 cell one in my 3D Mag - it makes a beautiful spot!

I have a 2 cell Magnum Star here in front of me, but I haven't found a light that likes it yet.

I'm driving a 5 cell White Star with 3 123a's in a 2C Mag as a prelude to my Stinger HP. Similar size. I think I'm gonna LOVE the Stinger!
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

cntrli, that clarifies things, it will get interesting come the first of the year.

PBJS, thanks for the reply, that 5-cell bulb in a 3x123 Mag C setup was exactly what I was after, but now when talking to Clark/lemlux it looks like a 772-lumen custom lamp burning off 4x123s in a Mag C will be The way to go -- although runtime is about 15 minutes and you need to keep a fire extinguisher handy...
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

Mr. Bulk:

We are brothers in the "anything worth doing is worth doing to excess" school of thought, I guess.
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

Yes lemlux, since life is short -- get the most outta the toys. 'Member yore big supercharged SUV?

"The candle that burns brightest, burns briefest"...but OH, whatta flame!!!
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

Thanks Eddie, but still, isn't there a new xenon bulb for the Mags, just came out or something?
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

I do in fact notice some heat from that 2C driven to excess.

What I really like about that light, which I know will transfer to the Stinger, is that I can hold it like a writing instrument using my index finger to push the button. Can't really pull that off with D cell stuff, even though I have large paws! (Well OK wrong... I just tried a couple different D lights, and it can be done - C lights just feel better!)

Up to a point, excess is the only way to go!!!
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

I've found that I get a funny sort of tight but circular spot with a dark hole in the center using a Maglite 5C Magnum Star in my Mag 2C with 3 123 cells.

I don't get the donut spot using a 5 cell Radio Shack KPR112, and the light output seems about the same. I haven't found a place that sells the regular 5 cell Maglite White Stars, but I want to try that.

The 2C with the KPR112 is almost as bright as my Ultrastinger, and significantly brighter than my UKE SL4.
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

I hear you sotto.

I haven't found any use for the 2 cell Magnum Star I have as it does the same kind of shenanigons in about every light I try it in.

And as far as White Stars go, only reason I'm using a White Star is Academy had 5 and 6 cell WS in stock.

I'm always on the lookout for 4, 5, or 6 cell Xenon Stars to try, because my 3 cell XS driven by three fresh Alkys in a 3D Mag is very near perfection!
Re: Maglite Bulbs - What\'s the Difference Between

Finally got Carley 713 and 714 xenon stars to compare to Mag White Star (WS) and krypton Magnum Star(MS) bulbs in both 3 and 4 D Maglites. Sorry I don't have instruments to measure output to give real numbers, just eyeball impressions. The MS is brighter than the WS, The xenon stars are obviously brighter than the MS. The WS will focus to a more even spot than the other two though, still, the xenon star gets my vote for both 3 and 4 D. Sorry, no digital camera either, Ron.