maglite conversions


May 25, 2001
has anyone ever seen this conversion for the mini mag? and is it any good?
I wrote and asked them on what kind of led it was and didn't get a reply yet so I am hesitant to buy. From the looks of the picture I don't see a resisitor anywhere. i was looking at and they have a replacement bulb for the standard maglites, are they any good?
They might write back- bear with them, they`re quite slow.

That`s a lotta cash for something you can probably do easy enough yourself. OK you also get a white replacement reflector for the minimag but that`s an easy DIY too with a little white spray paint. Odd how expensive the red and yellow ones are since red and yellow leds cost a lot less than whites.

And I`d be willing to bet the white led ones would be very dim- white leds will glow at 3 volts but not much. They need about 3.6 to 4 to shine bright.

the yellow led might just be close to a incandescent bulb, but a sinble white led at that voltage would not come close to it ,,,,don't buy this ,,,, you can put 7 leds into a mini maglite your self , and just use 3 N cells or 3 2/3 AA rechargable batteries

thank you for the replies. Looks like I will pass on buying this.