Maglite Drop In


Dec 4, 2008
:thinking:Question: What's a decent "bright" drop-in bulb either LED or ICAN for a standard 6 D-cell mag lite? I would prefer it be one I can get locally at WalMart or a sporting goods store like Academy.
You won't be finding any good ones a Walmart and probably not at a sporting good store either.

What price are you looking at?
What's "bright"?
Prlce: NTE $20.
Bright: 2-5watt
I saw one today at WM called the Luxion 3watt for maglite at $18 but I didn't look to see if it would work with the 6D. I don't want to spend a fortune tuning up an $24 maglite. I want to upgrade the 6D cause I use it as a deterrent for BG's and errant dogs when I walk my own dog at night. I have a Husky 2D but it's not long enough for the above use.
The Mag OEM upgrades are only for 2, 3, or 4 cell. You'll have to buy online to get one for a 6 cell. See the above comprehensive list.
Couldn't he put two dummy cells in there and use a 4D M*gLED drop-in? I'm sure with two lighter dummy cells you can change the balance of the light for a better swing :naughty:
Couldn't he put two dummy cells in there and use a 4D M*gLED drop-in? I'm sure with two lighter dummy cells you can change the balance of the light for a better swing :naughty:

Yes. You could also change the balance with two heavier dummy cells also :naughty:
Prlce: NTE $20.
Bright: 2-5watt
Specifying output in "watts" can be misleading. Most of the maglite dropins for sale at Walmart, eg the "3 Watt LEDs" actually do use 3 watts of power from your batteries. The problem is they are basically obsolete emitters -- they are less than one-half as efficient as some of the newer LEDs available today, which can be just as bright (measured in lumens, or overall light output weighted by human eye sensitivity) yet only draw <1.5 watts. Or they can draw 3 watts and be 2x brighter.

I saw one today at WM called the Luxion 3watt for maglite at $18 but I didn't look to see if it would work with the 6D. I don't want to spend a fortune tuning up an $24 maglite. I want to upgrade the 6D cause I use it as a deterrent for BG's and errant dogs when I walk my own dog at night. I have a Husky 2D but it's not long enough for the above use.

That particular Luxeon is an obsolete emitter like I mentioned earlier. I don't know of any Maglite "dropins" at brick-and-mortar stores that are very good, to be honest. -- this terralux dropin uses as SSC emitter (newer generation). It's $20, though may be somewhat more after shipping. It will both be brighter than the mag, and also draw substantially less power (eg longer battery runtime).

You will not be able to go any brighter than this terralux with a simple "bulb-type" dropin as any higher power LEDs will require heatsinking. The bulb holder on a Maglite however is completely insulated, so there is nowhere for this heat to go. In fact, the walmart 3 watt dropin you saw will only run at full output for a minute or two. After that, it will drastically dim itself in order to prevent from overheating.
C'mon Moderators... this Mag upgrade question is asked so often it is ridiculous. A dedicated sticky would mop up/prevent most of these threads from being started. :banghead:
Hey Cydonia, chill out before you go :poof:

Mod's since Cydonia is complaining, why don't you just lock this thread?

Or better still....delete it!:wave:
It in the stickie in the general flashlight forums 2/3-3/4 of the way down. Not many people look in that stickie though.
Prlce: NTE $20.
Bright: 2-5watt
I saw one today at WM called the Luxion 3watt for maglite at $18 but I didn't look to see if it would work with the 6D. I don't want to spend a fortune tuning up an $24 maglite. I want to upgrade the 6D cause I use it as a deterrent for BG's and errant dogs when I walk my own dog at night. I have a Husky 2D but it's not long enough for the above use.


Order this: maybe this as well:

That should give you a good bright light without blowing your budget.
Hey Cydonia, chill out before you go :poof:

Mod's since Cydonia is complaining, why don't you just lock this thread?

Or better still....delete it!:wave:

Sorry guys... it was more tongue in cheeck than a serous "rage" or anything :ironic:

Oh I know the Maglite thread is contained within another stickie...
But it needs it's own ;)
(I think they need to get a licence from the FCC to create a new sticky!)