re: carley's bulbs -
Ordering from carley is a bit different - they are a business to business establishment and don't really want joe blow flashlight owner calling up who just burned out his bulb last night and needs a new one- they have a minimum order and shipping etc... - but I do order from them on an occasional basis, so if you are looking for a particular part, let me know and I'll get a price and let you know when my next order will be. Plus it will help me make a minimum order!
They only "retail" one of their 3 PR based lines (I can't remember their names right now, but there is the low power alkaline, high power alkaline, and rechargable - look at the numbers to see which is which.) The low power alkalines are the cheap ones that sell in stores that carry mag, rat shack, etc. Their other 2 lines are not retailed, but are in stock if you want to buy direct. They OEM these to mfgrs who want to be "better" than the rest.
They do caution that "rolling your own" mag charger with their 5 nicd bulb and a 5D flashlight will melt the reflector due to the tremendous heat - but you are generally safe with all of the alkalines and the maglites.
My parents have a 2d mag, and I keep a 6d in the truck for, well, youknow, so I ordered the high power alkaline bulbs from carley for both of those two mags - I'll post pictures when they arrive (oh yea - shipping from carley is as fast as they can, but some of it comes from mexico, so be warned). BTW - the price on the low power alkalines was ~3 - the high power ~5 - you pay for the extra umph.
If you really want to get creative, they make a PR base that will allow you to adapt their T 1, T1.5 and i believe their T2.5 bulbs to the PR base style. I highly recommend you load test your cells before doing this to match the lamp and cell given carley's engineering data, and also take their warning about melting reflectors.
For an extra 0.25, they will frost the lamp for you to give a more diffuse light if you are trying to get rid of those annoying rings. It adds a few more days to the production, but they will do it 1 lamp at a time if you meet their minimums. I have some frosted lamps comming, so we'll see how they turn out.
I *DO* think carley has bulb making down to an art.