magnum star bulb?



saw these "xenon" bulbs at sears for mag-lites. not suitable for use with rechargeable batts? why is that? possible danger to bulb or batts? anyone? will use with alkalines for now though.
I remember hassling people on Bladeforums about this. Here's the link:

As I understand it, Nicads give out over 1 amp and put too much stress on bulbs (like the xenon one) that are rated to handle less than that. But there're also bulbs that are voltage-matched so you get a really bright bulb with NiCad specific bulbs. On the other hand, alkalines can't put out more than 1 amp at any given moment so if you check the amp rating on the xenon bulb, it should be less than an amp. The risk of using Nicads in xenon bulbs? You'll blow the bulb because of the amp difference. The risk of using alkalines in rechargeable-specific bulbs? Also lamp failure but this time because of voltage difference.

I think that's how it works. Go look at the link and the sections where Walt Welch answers. He's very helpful.
the magmun star are actually "krypton" not xenon. my mistake! the original bulb with maglight works better! still waiting for ledcorp 2led 4cell to arrive. thanks
I recently bought a Magnum Star bulb for my 3D Maglite. As others have said on this forum, I noticed no real improvement in its performance over that of the standard White Star bulb. I wrote to Mag through the feedback section of their web site and received this reply:

"Sorry for your disappointment. Mag Star lamps will only make a difference
at short ranges due to the magnified lens. We plan to have a new improved
MS bulb this next year that will increase your candlepower by 25-30%."
Back in the 1980s, I greatly preferred the Magnum Star lamps because you could focus them much better. They had a short, straight filament, while the regular bulbs had a longer, curved filament that didn't focus nearly as well.

That was the only real advantage I found with them, but it was enough to keep me buying them.

They also used to come with metal washers you could put in a regular flashlight to adjust the focus if you weren't using them in a Mag Lite.

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