Make Way for the Neck Light - Wave of the Future!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 7, 2007
I'm selling all my headlamps. The necklight's the wave of the future!
And it matches my shake weight.

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Photoshop? I don't know, it's one of the images they're using to sell the product.

Anyway, just trying to insert a bit of levity here...I'm always amused at these "breakthrough" new products in lighting.
it's gotta be photoshopped. the perspectives are totally off.

at first i thought it was just a joke, then i saw the link (since removed), and i was stupefied that they were actually marketing it as a legit hands free lighting product. what will they think of next?
This looks dumb, the snake light was actually quite useful, like a predecessor to the gorilla pod. It was more useful that the recent tripod lights.
Breakthrough ? At least ten years ago ARLEC were selling a Snakelight...

...So, my sarcasm didn't make it through the translation, I guess.

"Sales Link" removed? OK. I sure as heck wasn't trying to sell this light. Who would buy such a thing? I think it's somewhere between stupid and funny. IOW, I had Robo's reaction to it. Looks like a joke!
i was asked to test somthing like that a few years ago,it was a hopless. even when it was modded so it had arm loops to stop it falling off it was still hopless. the best part was when i was asked to go up a ladder in the dark to test it hands free and no head weight features...well i couldnt see up and when i lent back the first moddle fell off...luckly it landed on the client!! and yes it is quite hard to hold on to a ladder when your in hysterics.
I too spit up my coffee. Oddly, I wasnt even drinking any....No disputing the bra light would be a huge seller....It would also be worth money seeing the experienced user quickly follow her visual path with the light. This I cant see the necklight guy doing.
OK, the necklight is silly, but the bra light would have lots of advantages. You'd have redundancy, in case one beam burned out; or one could be spot and the other flood; it would be an easy EDC as it's just adding on to what's already EDC'd; it would put the light at an advantageous level for working with your hands; it would be firmly and securely anchored; the inevitable mass added to that part of the body could nicely be worked into a fashion statement, and if there was a blinking emergency mode the wearer could virtually guarantee she'd be the first victim to be rescued. It's a winner of an idea... zeBRAlight, perhaps?
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This method is one of two ways I use a Fenix E05 as a backup light to my H51w. Still haven't found a discreet way to EDC the snake on my person.
OK, the necklight is silly, but the bra light would have lots of advantages. You'd have redundancy, in case one beam burned out; or one could be spot and the other flood; it would be an easy EDC as it's just adding on to what's already EDC'd; it would put the light at an advantageous level for working with your hands; it would be firmly and securely anchored; the inevitable mass added to that part of the body could nicely be worked into a fashion statement, and if there was a blinking emergency mode the wearer could virtually guarantee she'd be the first victim to be rescued. It's a winner of an idea... zeBRAlight, perhaps?

I see this getting moved to the Cafe soon but the Bra Light is just not a good idea. Too much potential for red eye. Or black eye.

On the other hand it could be called "Dagmar." Look up the reference. Also look up why the reference relates to the front bumper of a '57 Bel Air.

And is there any wonder why some folks long for the good ol' days of the '50's? Not just talking about the car. :naughty: