Got my order confirmation at 8:37pm. 9 left after my order. Pure stupid luck that I happened to go check the tv schedule and decided to check my email too:sweat:
Lol, I'm on an offshore boat docked in port at Mobile, AL for the weekend ditching some weather. We have the day off, but the satellite is being worked on while we're here. So no internet. Boooring! So I went shopping in town, all the mags at the Lowes were sold out But I got back and kept checking the interweb conn all day, nothing. Then I popped on finally and got signal, Ping! email from Gene. Go go go! Bingo! haha! I have two new 1d mags that are dying for a couple malkoffs
Very much a nubie here, have been reading for months .... to make a long story short I signed up for Gene's emails last week and low and behold I got my first email tonight and went directly to his site and placed my order. In one click I have now just spent twice as much on this drop in as any other flashlight I have I know I wont regret it once it gets here and I get to play with it. The flashaholicism is starting to take effect.
My 3D mag sits in my truck as a standby, used every so often. So whats the best thing to feed this light now that I have a new drop in on the way? I know I shouldn't exceed 6V so a D cell x 3 is 4.5V rights? So would 4 C cells (4x1.5v=6V) be the best way to get the most from this light? or should I just leave well enough alone?
I just tried ordering two of the 2-3-4 D units, but I can`t get Gene`s checkout process to work for me.
The website says that it already has my email address on file, and that I should insert my password. Well, I don`t know what my password is...and when I click that feature on the website and then type my email address in, it doesn`t seem to do anything to "remind" me what the password is. No email to me...nothing.
WoW!! I just ordered one a little while ago and its 12:26 A.M. Eastern.
Not sure what the wife is going to say about this purchase??
Hmmm...... Maybe she won't notice with all the Christmas shopping I have been doing for her. Since 10 of her relatives are comming to stay with us I'm tying to help out by getting some done early.:green: I deserve something for putting up with that!
are they sold out on the edge, i have one so i dont need one but i want another...sell out already :laughing: i dont wanna be digging the new look site too
There should be three left now. I snagged one at 12:10 CST. Cannot believe I actually own one now. One to get those rechargeable NiMH D cells now.
Thank you SuRgE for alerting us all to this. I was fat, dumb and happy watching the transformers and decided to give the forum one last look before bed. Thank God I did.
After 4 months of trying, I will soon have one....