Mammoth Shootout


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 2, 2002
Can you say, \"Durian\"?
hi all,

I've just completed a fairly large shootout of different lights, some LEDs and some incandescents. Target distance is 50 feet only, so those wondering how some lights fare over longer distances, I hope this literally sheds some light

You can find it here:
That's a pretty impressive bit of research, Hotfoot. That Techass PR2 Versalux LED is pretty impressive, and is possibly the sleeper of the year I've got about eight of them installed in several flashlights, and they're impressive everytime.
Wow. Nice piece of work!

It always concerns me to see stuff lit up with incandescents (like the Minimag). Looks like the door is about to go up in orange flames.
hotfoot great way to show comparisons in a real environment. Now I am going to buy a PT40.
Hotfoot, Great photos and comparisons! What a collection too! Thanks a bunch!
Hi Hotfoot!

Great pics you got there!, this thread should be saved for future reference by newbies, great job!

One question though, how come the 8.4 V. dual LS is noticeably brighter than the 9 volt alcaline, are the exposure time the same? I would guess so, I just find this odd, why does that happen?

Thanks for the pics, already bookmarked your page, keep up the great work!


PS. That test should be done to high end xenon flashlights too, would be great! I would like to suggest the following lights

Brinkmann LX
2D and 3D Maglights
and to blow them all away a SF Beast
Thanks, everyone - glad y'all liked the pix.
I'm planning a 30-foot target shoot sometime soon. 50-feet kinda puts a lot of the smaller lights in ..errr.. bad light. =D
Any ideas? I'll try to get together with Xenon, another CPFer in Singapore to shoot some of his surefires as well. Wish aragorn were here with his mods too. (Xenon, are ya reading this?)

AlexGT, the 8.4V Nimh battery tops a 9V alkaline for driving the Dual-LS consistently, I *think* because of the current draw (or is that voltage supply) stability that Nimh has over regular alkalines. My not-so-educated guess (and posts I've read elsewhere here) tells me that under that heavy load, the voltage of the alkaline dips much more than the Nimh, thus giving the Nimh a slight edge over the alkaline. Something to do with the internal resistance of the 2 different battery chemistries. Driving it with a steady/regulated 9V will probably yield a more "predictable" result, but more heat too, I'd guess. Haven't had the guts to do that yet
Excellent pics!

Yes hotfoot, we should get together and I will bring along all my surefire lights for another shootout. With the M6, we need 100 feet

Just got back from buying 12 dozens AAA and AA batteries for only S$9.70 (US$5.40). Those batteries are now loaded up in my Arcs, PT attitude, Lightwave2000 and Batonlight (instead of N batts) for overnight endurance test.
Nice job. I like the way you have the pic of the light along with the output. And you keep the index on the left for easy comparisons. Can I link to it from my site?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Xenon:

With the M6, we need 100 feet
Just got back from buying 12 dozens AAA and AA batteries for only S$9.70 (US$5.40).

Whoa - $9.70? For the whole lot? You've gotta lemme know your source, Xenon! I think I'll need a bigger office to test your M6 !

Brock: For now - sure! I'd be honored. However, for the longer run, I've asked Quickbeam if he'd like to permanently host the shootout 'cos the URL I'm using now is quite the mess. TheLightSite is much better organized and is easier to find
(Quickbeam, where r ya?)
Should I link to the address above or your whole site? I could post the shootout on my site also if you like, but I don't have an easy way for you to edit the files.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
Should I link to the address above or your whole site? I could post the shootout on my site also if you like, but I don't have an easy way for you to edit the files.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Brock, you can just link as posted. The root URL contains some other nonsense and won't link to the shootout. Thanks for offering to post on your site too!
You're right about the editing - but, I *could* zip the entire shootout and email it to you - it isn't that large. And then, I could email you complete updates as they happen, so all you have to do is to delete all the old files and put in the new ones. Er - that still sounds like work.

So, I think you'd just prefer to link me - it's simpler! Plus, since I'll be planning another round of shots (with some SureFires this time!)with Xenon soon, lemme see if I can make things more comprehensive before you have to take the trouble to actually host the thing
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Empath:
That's a pretty impressive bit of research, Hotfoot. That Techass PR2 Versalux LED is pretty impressive, and is possibly the sleeper of the year I've got about eight of them installed in several flashlights, and they're impressive everytime.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

hiya Empath,
I'd wholly agree with ya on the PR2, a little expensive - but it ROCKS! Care to share which eight lights you're using with the PR2s? I'm always on the lookout for the "perfect" host for one. Thanks!
I've been busy with Jury duty and also trying to keep things going at work. I'll get back with you after things calm down.

Does your boss have any idea what you really do at work?

Great job, that's a lot of snapping ang posting. You really put a lot of new perspective on the comparisons by 'going the distance'.

Again, Great Job! I like the format, the pic of the light in the corner is a really great idea. Helps make the connection to the light being viewed.
Thanks, Lambda! Now that I know this format is useful, more shootouts will follow. I'll be getting together with Xenon (another CPF member in Singapore) to shoot his LED lights and SureFires, and hopefully throw in an overdriven ArcLS or two.

Empath, wanna start another thread on the PR2?

PS, Lambda - Actually, my boss knows and is pretty pleased too...