Purchase Here: https://skylumen.com/collections/v54-lights/products/manker-mk38vn-brightest-full-size-popcan-r
Coupon code "MK38OFF25" = 25% Pre-order discount
A) Stock SFT40 6500K @2s 16,500L, 500Kcd, 1414m
B) Stock XHP70.2 6500K @2s 34,000L, 120Kcd, 693m
C) Stock XHP70.2 5000K @2s
D) MK38vn XHP70.2 6500K SDCE @2s
E) MK38vn P70 HI 6500K @2s
+ Extended Warranty
+ Shipping Signature and/or Insurance (NOT INCLUDED BY DEFAULT)
+ Specifications
Must Read Purchase Agreement
[email protected]
Coupon code "MK38OFF25" = 25% Pre-order discount
A) Stock SFT40 6500K @2s 16,500L, 500Kcd, 1414m
B) Stock XHP70.2 6500K @2s 34,000L, 120Kcd, 693m
C) Stock XHP70.2 5000K @2s
D) MK38vn XHP70.2 6500K SDCE @2s
E) MK38vn P70 HI 6500K @2s
- White is beautiful but gets dirty quick
- XHP70.2 = clean beam with soft hot spot to spill transition & negligible petal effects due to multi reflector wells = No Turbo below 11V/~50%
- SFT-40 = Noticeable petals effect at close ranges but filled hot spot and great beam otherwise = No Turbo below 11V/~50%
- Manker's best build quality to date
- Handle firm fitment but easy removal with included tool
- Handle Fans operate independent of light functions
- Battery state LED indicator on main button
- Attractive dark chrome trims
- Hefty 2lbs with cells and handle installed
- Quite fan but functional airflow
- Light is balance and natural to hold with or without handle
- No built in USB-C charging for individual cells version
- Excellent UI:
- From OFF: Press and Hold = Moonlight
- When in Moonlight Press & Hold = ML1>ML2>ML3>ML4>ML5 (Last mode memory)
- From OFF: Quick Click = ON @ last mode memory
- From ON: Quick Click = OFF
- From ON: Press & Hold = Low-Med-High
- From ON or OFF: Double Click = Turbo
- From ON of OFF: Triple Click = Strobe/Disco Group (Always start @ =Strobe)
- From Strobe: Press & Hold = Slow Blink>SOS>Strobe
- Handle forward button = Fan ON/OFF
- Handle rearward button = Duplicate main button UI
+ Extended Warranty
+ Shipping Signature and/or Insurance (NOT INCLUDED BY DEFAULT)
+ Specifications
Must Read Purchase Agreement
[email protected]