mcd output of the Arc LS?

Nevermind. The Light Museum to the rescue once again! LOL!

(Update: Here are some preliminary measurements

2 Energizer Lithium AA: 80,500mcd
2 Right-Aid alkaline AA: 73,600mcd
1 Energizer Lithium AA: 56,100mcd
1 Right-Aid alkaline AA: 50,100mcd
1 Surefire CR123 photo: 71,000mcd

It's AMAZING that the Arc LS will produce as much output as the Lightwave 4000!!!!! WOW!
I just got a Streamlight Baton Lite that has 3 LED's advertised at 42,000 mcd. My Eternalight is considerably brighter with 4 LED's. So can I expect the LS with one AA to be about the same Eternalight? TX
Hard to say, I've made 7 and 8 LED flashlight conversions, and even over driven them to get as bright as possible, but I've also made several Luxeon conversions, and well, if the Lux is properly focused (like in a 3D Mag Lite) there is no comparison to the outside 'throw' of the Lux light.

Don't get me wrong, Luxeons are great for outside, see down the road lighting, but I still think (and use) multi-LED lights inside to walk around at night.

Depends on the intended purpose. What do you want it to do = what it will do = happy customer; any changes to formula result in serious errors........