Flashlight Enthusiast
Hi there. I'm really very impressed with Don's lights. And still patiently awaiting my Aleph2 NG1000. However I got my mits on a wonderful McLux. Really nice flood type light. I was wondering two things.
1. Can I throw a Li-ion 123 in there without damaging this beauty?
2. Is there any other O-ring options for the lens area? Mine is very fat and encroaches on the outer edge of the spill which create a ring.
Thanks for reading /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
1. Can I throw a Li-ion 123 in there without damaging this beauty?
2. Is there any other O-ring options for the lens area? Mine is very fat and encroaches on the outer edge of the spill which create a ring.
Thanks for reading /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif