I'd pretty much agree.
I think the SST-20 is a tad throwier (and, I do prefer the slightly less distinct hotspot of the SST vs Nichia), which is nice, but I think the reality is his lights are primarily for duty folks, and it just so happens that us flashlight nerds appreciate the products, too. While the dream of Convoy flexibility for Malkoff quality at Malkoff prices is probably too good to be true, I understand the hope, haha. For what it's worth, I know he WILL do pretty much whatever you want, if you do the group buy.
I'd wager this is the double edge of Malkoff being a small shop. It's probably a LOT easier if he has a down day to sit down and "assembly line" a bunch of SST-20's onto some heads versus individually doing each head per order. I guarantee he does that with bodies. I DOUBT he has an individual machine set up and jigged for EACH body type, so I'd bet he has one or two machines, and just does decent runs. I think that balance of production efficiency is how he can offer such insane value for the money. While his products are more expensive than most, his quality is up there (and above) brands that charge 2-4 times as much. If he did small batches, he'd probably have to really slow down production, which is likely just not feasible...and he'd probably have to double his prices, which puts him really out of reach for some random beat cop or security guard looking for a more reliable option than what they were issued.
It's often a shame that "duty light users" in the U.S. are still using CR123 batteries. Most of the Made in USA brands cater to duty users, not enthusiasts, so voltages and options are geared around them. I know Malkoff doesn't use LVP cause you WANT to drain every last mAh out of a $3 CR123A battery. I know some fancier lights are supposed to detect if it's a CR123 or not, but I also know those sometimes make mistakes, and Malkoffs are meant for people who can't have mistakes. Simple = reliable. His voltage ranges PRIMARILY focus on CR123 combos, and SOMETIMES that happens to overlap with Li-ion ones. I sometimes feel like the odd man out, because I NEVER got into CR123 nor incandescents (too wasteful for my tastes), so I DESPISE the idea of a gradual, long taper in output - yet, others run Malkoffs in a configuration to create that.
I have mostly kept away from the MDC head ecosystem. I know they have better thermal properties, but Malkoff doesn't overdrive his stuff, so its less of an issue...and that lets me use a VME or MDX head with a drop-in, BECAUSE of the lack of options. I don't mind the lower CRI IF it's still neutral (his neutral XP-L's are I think 80 CRI, but look beautiful). The MDC AA is about the exception, BECAUSE I think the mode spacing is so good. I don't even like the M361, because I cannot tell M from H indoors, haha.
It's a shame it looks like they took a long time to sell out (a sign of low demand), but the 18500 and 18350 bodies that had been sold in the For Sale subforum are REALLY nice, and are very, very fun. Instead of going into $$$ 3P and 6P Surefire options, I just have one of each of those. That's USUALLY how I run my 14500 lights (with a sleeve). You still get to use the High/Low ring, and they make for a GREAT light with a tricap.