MH-C9000 stuck at rest


Newly Enlightened
Jun 16, 2007
Just received my MH-C9000 charger. The instruction book states batteries should be charged between .5C & 1.0C. The manufacturer's web site says .33C & 1.0C. Wonder if they have changed instructions or the charger.

Anyway. I am in the process of trying to charge an old set of 2300mah AA batteries. I set the charger for Refresh Analyze. It did the charge and then went into Rest. The instructions say it should rest an hour and then Discharge. It has been in rest mode 1 1/2 hours so far without going into Discharge mode.

Is the rest time variable for some reason or do I have a defective charger? All 4 bays are doing the same thing.
Hello Egale1,

Welcome to CPF.

The C9000 has a 2 hour top off charge at the end of the charge cycle. I don't believe the discharge starts until that has completed.

The battery manufacturers recommend charging in the 0.5C - 1.0C range when the termination involves negative delta V monitoring. The improved C9000 uses a slightly different algorithm, so it will tolerate lower charge rates, but it is better to try to charge at the battery manufacturers recommended rates.

Tom is correct, the manual has a typo in the rest time. The rest time after charging is 2 hours whereas the rest time after discharging is one.


Thank you both for the reply.

As my manual states .5C to 1.0C for charging, do you think it is an older one or one of the newer ones? Bought it from TD>
Hello egale1 and welcome:twothumbs

OFAB01 and OFAB02 is the versions that had some problems.

I have 0G0B01 now and it is good, no termination problems.

Mine is 0G0C01 so I am sure it is fine! Thanks.

Can your charger charge battery with not so good condition?? Earlier version of this charger refuse to charge battery with not so good condition.
I have only tried one set so far. It is a set of 3 year old Titanium 2300mah AAs. First did a Refresh Analyze with no problem except capacity showed as around 1880. Now I am doing a Break-In on them but that takes a few days to complete.

I don't have any really bad ones to try. I usually throw them out when they get too bad.