Flashlight Enthusiast
Supposedly D2 , HRC was 60/55 60 Bites 55 skates .
Don't remember purchase price , but was under $30 Oz bananas .
Bolted together well enough .
Rope slice = Around 450 slice mark I noticed extra drag . I called fail at 650 slices as there was some edge roll which stropped out easily enough .
Knife was sharpened to 1500 grit Diamond on a guided system .
It's a small knife , feels small , cuts small , is small . It's not overly small , but for a letter / parcel opener - should excel !
Only real negative .. The tip of the blade rode just above the body and a careless finger could pick it up ( when closed ) . I fixed this with some careful diamond rod work on the blade allowing the blade to sit lower inside the grips .
Simply from a perspective of edge retention , the knife is worth owning . ( Exceeded expectations )
Video on VEOH
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