Mini Maglite tailcap Switch


Apr 10, 2002
Okay, there are 20 posts on this subject but I can't seem to find much info in them.

We've identified 2 kinds:
The metal one with the red button by RAM instrument, who don't seem to have a webpage;
And the conical rubber one which seems identical to the one on the Streamlight Jr.

Who actually has one of these and can comment on it?
Is it momentary-on, constant-on like the fullsize maglight?


Depress it a little, and it is momentary on, depress it all the way, and it is clicked on.

Think of it like a Papermate Pen with a clicker top, but covered in Rubber.
Thanks for answering the PM!

That's one for the Kroll. And how much was the shipping? Brightguy seemed to want $4.50 shipping on a $4.50 item.
I have the RAM switchs and they work great and have "momentary on" capability too.

When installing the switch for the first time, it helps to dump the batteries and screw it on and off a few times to help "clean up" the fresh threads. Then they go on nice and smooth.

The only negative comment I have (if you could call it that) is that the switch is so easy to activate, it might turn on in your luggage if packed loosely. I use the twist on/off as a "lock-out" feature to prevent the unpleasant surprise of dead batteries should it happen.

I'm very happy w/the RAM switches. However, due to cost, if I were to buy a AA light to mod with a LS, I'd get the Brinkman Legend (which I just did), since it includes the tailswitch AND batteries AND carrying case - all for $10.
It seems to be an academic question, actually. It seems the RAM switch is not available for purchase anywhere
I second Empath. Slick, where does one get a hold of these mythical beasts?
If anybody wants the RAM switch case, you can have it for the expense of a SASE. The switch in mine never worked. I took it apart and the switch is defective. The switch case will still work though if you want to add your own switch.
I have the entire thing, except the actual switch which I tossed in disgust. I scratched it a but when I held it in the vice to pry the thing apart, but there's no reason why it wouldn't work fine.

Drop me an email, and we'll get it done.
Is this what you are looking for?


The ONLY place on the net you can find them, I think.

Resurecting an old post while searching for info on Streamlight JR.

I have one of the above switches on my mini 2AA. I got it at Frys Electronics on I-45N in Houston. It was something like 7 bucks.

I agree that it is quite easy to activate and have thought of making a protective lip from shrink tubing or something to protect the button.

And on subject of SL Jr. - It's cheap enough. Should I?
I agree that it is quite easy to activate and have thought of making a protective lip from shrink tubing or something to protect the button.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">If you cut the legs off a Nite Ize Flashlight Friend accessory you will have a grip that can be slid down to protect the Kroll switch while traveling, etc. Cost is about US$7.

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