Mini Review : FM V2 Deep Reflector vs KT2,SRTH @180m (All use SF Body)


May 30, 2004
Hong Kong, China
Actually I'm trying to extend SF lego possibilies and explore non-SF turboheads especially.

So I do this mini review and shows the beamshots between Fivemega V2 deep reflector w/ M@gD head, Surefire current (KT2) and old (SRTH) turbohead in a long range (~180 Meters), bulb is WA1111 and powered by 2xIMR18650.

The M@gD head is connected to SF"C" body by LF C-to-M and FM M-to-D adapters.

The lights (eyecandy only ^^)


All images below : F2.8 @ 4sec/ISO100/WB:Tungsten
FM V2 Deep Reflector VLOP



Bonus! 3"TH w/ CL1909 (3xIMR18650), (oh.. wrong setting : Exp. 5 sec.)


I'm a fresh user of FM M@g head/reflector series, As opposed to my surefire turbohead experience, it is freshness when using this deep reflector.

I tried to describe the properties of three reflectors :
- V2 Deep Reflector gives a very small hotspot noticeably, spill area is smaller than others but brighter. No wings effect with wa1111.
- KT2 gives a mid-smooth hotspot, spill is slightly brighter than SRTH. Wings is fat aside the hotspot
- SRTH gives solid and tight hotspot, spill area as same as KT2. Wings is little dimmer than KT2.

Thanks for looking!
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nice review Cenz, but why don't you post on FLFHK?(just ask....)
FLFHK have less people buy SF nowadays:sigh:
nice review Cenz, but why don't you post on FLFHK?(just ask....)
FLFHK have less people buy SF nowadays:sigh:

I wonder to share this review to bigger platform, right here.

btw, we have many economic choices in HK, less SFers is reasonable. I like to play SF lego, but also use cheap/alt. parts to play.
Great beamshots! I used to be a student of the "throw farther and have the brightest" flashlight school. I'm now into more practical lights and this thread has confirmed how useful the KT2 head is. It will definitely not throw the farthest, but the useable hotspot is terrific! It also can host numerous Surefire filters which increase it's value for me 10fold.