mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Houston, TX
mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Well, this light has been reviewed on Craig's site too, but his site is "blocked out" at work (no kidding!) soe I do not have access to it at work. I will post it this evening.


Almost everyone here knows what this is, a drop in replacement for the incandescent bulb in the Maglight mini-mag 2AA flashlight.

Now if this were the only Luxeon Star (LS)flashlight that I had, and I had never seen any other LS lights, I would be very happy, as comparing it to my stock mini mag with the standard mini-mag bulb is a no brainer!

As others have said, the light that this guy puts out, is right in line with the other LS lights that I own.

If I had to rate the brightness of this item, compared to my other LS's, it would be in this order:

Lambda Illuminator
ARC LS Second (2AA pack)
Inretech 2AA
CMG Reactor

I have a Elektrolumens 3AA LS light also, but as it has different optics, that give me a more pronunced, and focused beam, but do not difuse the light as much, I did not include the light here.

Now, the ARC LS Second, and the Inretech were almost a tie, the ARC having a slighter wider and slightly "more intense" light, but slightly green. wereas the Inretech had more of a white, very slight blue color.

Since I bought a huge amount of AA batteries, tonight I am going to do an experiment. I am going to put fresh Energizer MAX AA batteries in all the above mentioned lights, and let them run constantly for several hours. I am betting that the Inretech will be brighter than the others, after several hours, because it wasn't as bright to begin with. I will do this tonight, and will post the results tomorrow. I think Roy's graphs have already proven the outcome of this test.

So, I think that if you want something dramatic, get a Mr. bulk LGI, or dat2zip MadMax or BadBoy, or and ElektroLumens, or a Lambda Ill Pill or Illuminator. BUT, if you want a bright, white, inexpensive, readily available, replacement for that incandescent bulb in you mini-mag, for that non-flashoholic friend or family member of yours, this is the product to get.

And I think that is the market that Inretech is going after also. Replacing that mini-mag standard bulb.

I have been waiting to show an Electrician co-worker (non-flashoholic, but uses flashlights every single day) my Opalec Newbeam mini-mag conversion. I really like (and still do like!) my opalec Newbeam. It's is just the right amount of light to walk around the house in the middle of the night with, without hurting your eyes, and it is regulated, so you get constant output, and you have a red LED indicator that turns itself on, when the battery level is low. Actually, all my "used" AA lights go into a box, waiting to be used by the Opalec Newbeam, as I know when I am getting full light, and when the batteries are not able to supply full power anymore.

However, now that I have seen the Inretech, I much would rather show him the Inrtech product over the Newbeam. Much brighter, and stronger, and with a very acceptable run time. For shining around in electrical boxes, and looking at wiring in the ceiling and other places, the Inretech would be much prefered over the Newbeam. OK, so it's not regulated, but at 3.00 (on sale at Fry's) for 8 AA Rayovac Maximum Plus batteries, you can afford to spend 75 cents once every two weeks to put fresh batteries in you flashlight, for a tool that you will use every day.

And for the glove box, the lithium run time is impressive, as well as the long term storage that Lithiums can provide. Check out their graph:

Now something that I did try, was putting the Inretech into a Brinkmann, Legend AA. To me, it should have worked, but it did not. After all, the bulbs are interchangable, why not the Inretech. It was very dim, and sometimes would turn itself on and off. Switching it to a Mini-mag, all of a sudden, everything worked fine.

Also,I tried using a Kroll Tailcap. I noticed that the Light was weaker when I had the tailcap installed. Has anyone else noticed this with the Kroll tailcap?

So, a summary would be that the Inretech LS 2AA is a GREAT replacement for the standard mini-mag bulb. Brighter, longer run life per set of batteries, won't burn out, won't get black deposits on the bulb like the Mini-mag does and commercially available (not made by hobbiests). A great gift to all your non-flashoholic friends.

If you want the "sizzle" get a light or drop in replacement by one of the guys here, as listed above, but remember, that the "sizzle" comes at the expense of a shorter battery life.

If you have untold numbers of mini-mags floating around your house, the inretech along with lithium batteries would be an inexpensive way to place emergency lights in glove boxes, tool chests, etc.

And, as much as I like the Opalec newbeam, for a brighter mini-mag replacement, go with the Inretech.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons


Good Review!
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Originally posted by BuddTX:
Well, this light has been reviewed on Craig's site too, but his site is "blocked out" at work (no kidding!)
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Damn, that sucks!!
I bet the boss found more than one employee "wasting time" on my site while on the clock, so they blocked it. There's certainly nothing obscene on there, other than the occasional dropping of a flashlight in a toilet or the occasional slashing open of a vacuum bag to retrieve an LED.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

I think it was the "green and cyan hair" that caused the site to be blocked! <grin!>
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Wow. Talk about making a case for lithium batteries. More than twice the light output for almost the whole runtime. Now if Li batts were only twice as expensive, we'd be set.

Thanks for the great review.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Somewhat surprising, is the apparent underperformance of the much hyped "Titaniums" relative to the regular alkalines, especially for the incandescent runs.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

What those battery companies don't do, is have them in a turned on till it dies mode. Getting decent data from Eveready was impossible for me. Their data booklets don't have the info I wanted, a simple AH rating. I wanted to figure a run of how long at a continuous 4, 8, or 12 hour on time for a particular light. The BS they give, is for ordinary consumer usage, and I never did get an answer from the tech dept. Titaniums didn't exist and lithiums were fairly new. Usage ratings based on '15 minutes on, followed by 1 hour off' are useless for anything but casual consumer use.

For heavy use, like caving, as long as we can take an LS, and measure the current drain from the batts until the batts are down to the point where they have to be changed, I think we can calculate a rating of a 24/7 and say that intermittent use will increase life of batteries.

Can we do this??? Of course, we need to factor in variables like particular light, etc. If cheapskate Alkalines are used for the 24/7, then we can expect better from a company that makes better ones.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Originally posted by Charles Bradshaw:
What those battery companies don't do, is have them in a turned on till it dies mode. Getting decent data from Eveready was impossible for me.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Charles, go here:
You will need to navigate around in the site a bit but what you want is there.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Originally posted by BuddTX:
wereas the Inretech had more of a white, very slight blue color...

...if you want a bright, white, inexpensive, readily available, replacement for that incandescent bulb in you mini-mag, for that non-flashoholic friend or family member of yours, this is the product to get.

And I think that is the market that Inretech is going after also. Replacing that mini-mag standard bulb.

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">BuddTX-

Back again. The people I work with actually want me to work. I'm going to wait a bit until I explain how important CPF, LED Museum and everything on Brocks's page is.

Great review. The whiteness you described was what I was truly wondering about. What got me was that you would rather show your Electrician/co-worker the Inretec AA drop-in mod than an Opelac. Having small, dependable and strong lighting for detail is essential to me. Pulling out AA Mag that gives great light is a cool thing to be able to do. Then what if the lights go out? What about walking through the parking lot this winter? ...$20.00 I'm in.

I sent Inretec an e-mail asking what LED was in their blue AA drop-in. I'll let you know what they say. Their UV mod looks like just the ticket for other appplications I have. Yes, when in doubt get...

Thanks for the review. Not just for me but for everyone else. If Inretec is a viable player they should be supported. Now all I have to get is an ARC LS2 and a couple ARC AAAs (on order) and an LGI and a SF 4AA and a KL1 and that strange little...and a couple of...oh well, the giving season is upon us.

Good job!
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

BuddTX: Very thorough review! Thanks for conducting it.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

BuddTX, Thanks very much for the review.

Yes, we are interested in a general purpose replacement. Although we are flashaholics, the size of the non-flashaholic market is enough for us to have to be serious about it.

The light has been taken caving by a friend of mine and he gave it positive reviews.

Funny story, this weekend my lady and I were at a convention and we shared our room with a friend. Late one night when the friend came in, I woke up and let him borrow one of our UV lights. It was just about bright enough for him to see the alarm clock and set the alarm. Just to test, I pointed one of the white adapted lights running on lithium batteries in the other direction and turned it on. The entire room lit up to our night-adjusted eyes. The reflection from the hotel walls and ceiling was too bright.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons


Back again. Here is a slightly edited, copy/paste of the rapid response I got from an Inretech staff member:
Subject: Re: Blue AA

Wow! Thanks for the fast reply. Hope it's OK but I'm going to share this info with others. Will order tomorrow.

----- Original Message -----

Subject: Re: Blue AA

It is a Luxeon 1w.

Except for the RED/OR and the UV, all are Luxeons

Thanks for your reply, ****.

Is it an LS or a 5mm?

Yes, I've checked out your friend's site and sent it
to other people. Nice stuff. Nice site.

----- Original Message -----

It is a nice blue, I have some FL inks - and they
really look "cool" under it

My friend Leo can make just about any type of ink
you need:

Inretech staff member-

Is the LED in the Blue AA a Luxeon Star? Is it a
Royal Blue Luxeon Star? I'm already convinced I
need the white AA. When purchasing, I like to go
ahead and get all the products I think I would
like to purchase to save on shipping. Super 6 is not
in the budget now but it sure looks good.

Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Originally posted by Icebreak:
What got me was that you would rather show your Electrician/co-worker the Inretec AA drop-in mod than an Opelac. Having small, dependable and strong lighting for detail is essential to me.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Glad you liked the review! I try to be honest, because I make MY buying decisions, based on what other people post on here, so I want to recopircate. Getting a new light, saying "oh wow", and giving rav reviews 5 minutes after turning on the light might not yield the best opinion. I STILL am glad that I bought my Princeton Tec Surge (actually 2!) based on what people wrote on CPF's!

AND Inretech has promised me thousands of shares in Enron and Worldcomm stock, and an all expense paid trip to Iraq to say good things about their stuff! (wait, was that a one way ticket??) <grin!>

Everyone here, including me, was very hot on the Opalec Newbeam when it first came out, and I still really like it. It's constant regulated light, along with the 4th red led to tell you when the battery can no longer supply full power to the light, is a great feature. It is just not as bright as the Inretech 2AA. I use my Opalec Newbeam every night, and I have a box of all my used" AA batteries, that are waiting to get loaded into the Opalec newbeam. The Newbeam is great for walking around the house at midnight when you have been sleeping for hours, and a brighter flashlight would blind you. Ever turn the bathroom light on at 3 in the morning, when you have been sleeping for hours? Even more so than my ARC AAA, the Newbeam sees use every day. I just don't take it outside on walks or expect it to light up the world!

Also, I have experienced too much light also! (can you believe a CPF person would say this?) Trying to read the printing on a computer mother board, sometimes the brighter lights "white out" everything, and you have to get a "not so bright" light!

I wish there was an LGI Mr. Bulk version of the LS, that had the Opalec Newbeam features.

Read about my opinions of Direct Drive vs Regulated lights on this thread:;f=1;t=002515

As someone else posted, this would be a great gift to give to friends for Christmas. Of course, I would rather be giving out SureFire M3's, ARC LS2's, and other assorted lights, but my budget is more in the 20-25 $ range!
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Thanks BuddTX-

Been wondering about the whiteness level. Your review gave me the specific things I was curious about. Yes, I see it at The Led Museum: under "Coming soon or newly added". I've got a couple of more questions but I need to get out of the museum or I'll stay there all afernoon.

Good Job! Thanks
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

If they blocked LED Museum IP address try a proxy sever, which routes to LED Museum IP address, which should be

Of course if they know employees are going there, they also know who is doing it, and when, and how much time there, etc. etc. etc.

Wayne J.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Great review.
I didn't see a reply about the dropoff using the tail switch. I read this several times.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons


This was a very useful review. The way you presented the information, your detailed descriptions, the brightness rating scale along with the runtime chart made this almost like a
Consumer's Reports review.

It confirms my decision to buy this product which I ordered some time ago and hope to receive soon.

Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Thanks Brightnorm.

I did not get a chance to do my experiment with the batteries last night, I will try to do it tonight.

Also, I should have added this statement to my review:

This is my honest opinion, based on the single examples of the lights that I have in front of me, but lights vary from unit to unit, esp with hand built models, and the qualitity fluctations that the Luxeon Star has been experiencing, so . . . "YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY"

I noticed that some people said very good things about the color and brightness of the CMG Reactor, wereas my example was dim and green, so things change.
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

We now have Blue and Green 2AA Adapters/Flashlights
Re: mini-review Inretech 2AA Luxeon Star drop in, & Kroll tailcap comments & comparisons

Do the blue and green use LS or 5mm LEDs?