MiniMag AA

. . . . and if you focus the beam right it can shine over 500 feet!

To give that fellow the benefit of a doubt, let's imagine this scenario:

" I'm gonna' stand 500 Feet away from you. Now, shine the flashlight at me.

Hey, i can SEE it ! ! !
( meaning, hey i can *see* your Flashlight ! Shining right at me ! It kinda' hurts my eyes ! )

Sure is BRIGHT ! ! ! "

In that respect, his review would make sense. At least to "non-flashaholics".

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Thats only like one and a half football fields... What can't you see at that range with a good bright light?
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When you say it, what do you mean? The beam or the person? And I think he means he can see the beam project on an object 500 feet away because he says "if you focus it just right".
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Perhaps he is shining it at a Brand New School Bus.


This would certainly work.
i added an additional line, in my original Post #3.

Hope that helps.

Cool thread, btw !


PS: way too literal ? ? ? On CPF ? Never ! ! !


Umm, no, 500 feet is not two and a half football fields. It's a little more than one and a half (500/3=166.6 yards). Still, that's a stretch for that little light.
Sorry I meant one and a half. I'll change it. My bad. :sssh:
I had one of those many moons ago, I cant believe at one time I though it was bright.
This guy probably has super vision or something. And he can laze people with his eyes....... Like me :naughty:
If someone has their eyes adjusted for night vision and it is pitch dark out with no moon it is possible you could probably see a glimmer of light from a solitaire 2 football fields away if you pointed the beam just right, but that is meaningless compared to using it.
Its not far off from the description. 500ft is about 130m? The package lists description on Amazon lists about 90m.

Still 90m is pushing it, I think they tested this with night vision goggles. :laughing:
Someone better let saabluster know that the DEFT now has to concede its right as the throw heavyweight champion of the world to the minimag, with its 12 lumen output; it does have a smooth reflector though...:faint: He'll be crushed, no doubt. :whistle: