MN21 Frosted Bulb Tip?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
Have MN21 lamps always shipped with a frosted bulb tip?
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I actually favor the oval beam of the non-frosted MN16 over the smoothed out wall of light thrown by the MN21.
Yes, MN21's have always been frosted. And I am with you, I like my MN16 beam more than the MN21. And on our 18650's, we get over twice the runtime and just as much throw....just a smaller hotspot. And by no means would I call the MN16's hotspot "small". I bought the big bad MN21 to have the baddest set-up, but have found I have "backed down" to the MN16 in favor of it's beam profile and superior runtime.
After my wife won an M4 at the Surefire party I have been playing around with it. It is awesome on the low output LA, MN60. Pulls about 1.45 amps, much lower amperage than MN16. It will take a longer body to run it with three 17500's, better to have three 18500's, or an even longer body with three 18650's, but the beam is beautiful, oval, but beautiful. Bulb is frosted.

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