Mod Cheap Light with Cree?

I kept looking at that thread, so a few days ago I PMd Nitroz and said something like "Hey, looks like you're trying to melt a hole in your garage door with that light. Would you make one for me?" He said yes. :drool: and :grin2:

I got a Cree P4 Star took out the Lux III I had put in there and replaced it with the Cree... all I can say is wow, this is now my favorite light (and cheapest). I have not done any runtime yet, but since it is powered by my 350ma CC Voltage Boost driver ~90% efficiency I would imagine it should run 3+ hours 3x Sanyo 1000ma AAA). It seems this reflector is a good match to it makes some nice side spill and a really strong spot (great thrower). Makes my old QIII (edc for a few years now) look sick and pale.

Now I am just waiting on the new PCB's to try out rev 2 of my driver (dia = 0.69 vs 0.80, better options for continuously variable brightness, and automatically goes into low power mode on low detect battery.