Modding T10C2

No one ? That, surprise me

I modded a T10C2 with a CREE Q3-5A. It is a very difficult mod, because it has to be done from the head. It appears that the pill is locked inside the head with a lot of epoxy. I could not get the pill out, and I tried all of the usual tricks.

The LED is wired from below with short leads. (You do not need to remove the black wire with the screw.) This creates a major pain to get the new LED installed. I soldered short lengths of wire to the LED, and then soldered the ends to the leads inside the head. With a little twist, I fit the extra wire into the channel below the LED pedestal. By installing the reflector while the thermal epoxy dried, it ensured a perfectly centered LED.

Unless you have done some modding in the past, I would suggest selling the light and buying a new one. But, if you are set on doing the mod, then go for it! Once the LED is out, you wil see how it goes back together.
Wow, thanks a lot. I guess I just leave it as is. Not a friendly light for modder.