Mora-ish Swiss Tech ( put to the rope )


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

Been after a swiss tech knife for a while . The only one I could get my hands on was the Mora-ish copy (?)

Mystery Steel ( Stainless ) - 60-55 HRC , 60HRC file bites and 55HRC file almost bit but mostly skated .
Scandi with micro bevel ( More micro than Mora ) .
Edge was extremely well done .
Price to my door was $15.37 Oz bananas .
Edge on the rope returned 550 slices ( amazing for a factory scandi edge )

A little harder than current Mora ( blade ) , double the edge retention with no detectable roll . Looks like a Mora , feels like a Mora , utperforms a Mora !
What can you say ? , it's not a Morakniv . Do I care ? No , ............ Performance is what counts . And out of the box the Swiss+Tech performs .

Video posted on VEOH
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