More outrageous claims on ebay

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Here's the old:

And here's the new:

I'd say they're worth every penny if you're in the dark and your batteries are all dead!
What exactly is false about the claims in the first auction? I see no claims of specs or anything to BE false.

Just the "Visible up to a mile away." claim, which is easily true. It's not saying that you'll be able to see the reflection of your beam off of something a mile away, it's saying that if you point it at someone a mile away they'll be able to see it.

Now that second claim of 350 lumens... That's utter BS.
Originally posted by Entropy:
What exactly is false about the claims in the first auction? I see no claims of specs or anything to BE false.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">----------------------
"World's Brightest..."

Ooooooh, I'd better get one of those!
350 lumens! that's amazing!!!

why do we buy expensive surefires with those expensive batteries?

i will be posting many sales in the b/s/t because i have finally found a light that provides amazing output and cheap running cost. in a led also...

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