Most reliable +cheep site for ordering lasers?


Feb 14, 2007
I'm looking at a 100+ mw laser (after applying IR filter) (preferably 175+) I dont really care the color, red is fine, green is better though if ther's <$20 diff, and personally, this is going to be used in very controled situations, and I dont need all the safty features the FDA requires. I just want a nice powerful laser at a reasonalbe price to acctually arrive!

I've looked at many sites like Wicked Lasers, who say the laser devices may and often ARE confiscated @ customs. However, they vow to keep sending it untill it gets through if this happens _and_ give you $100 credit in their shop (anyone have experiance with this and know if they do indeed do all this?)

Other sites, said, in the fine print, that if it got confiscated, you're SOL.

As I said, I dont care if it ships from huston, TX USA, or from Shanghai china, as long as it will get through. Anyone have good sites that are _RELIABLE_ (keyword there) and dont cost an arm and a leg to get a decent product?

btw, neverhad anything confistacted @ customs, would there be any trouble to come from this personally other than the hassle with the selling compant?
"Safty" Features from FDA are have no choice. This protects minors and inexperienced from performing Darwinian 's Theory on each other.

Cheep is probably unsafe...

See my new threads, any IIIa/b + class lasers that ship including batteries and missing FDA labels may be stopped. As you can ***-u-me customs is busy with bigger problems than prohibited green lasers ( ..these were determined that they can be used to bring down airliners on approach).

Success varies by sellers accuracy and forthright declarations on customs forms.
More detail = likely inspection, Inspections equate to higher siezure rates.

You usually get what you pay for.

Low cost + forgein sources = more risk

Higher US prices usually = higher reliability

Use buyer protection, never wire transfer or Western Union money abroad.

Caveat Emptor


Seller has the customs hassle, & must fill custom forms. Get a unit from Canada sourced from China and avoid most forms & searches. Buy a set of FDA labels for class IIIa/b and your good as long as you don't plan reselling...wear eye protection at all times. Don't waste our time if you are minor or plan on "popping" balloons on youtube...
Had a long reply and IE crashed an I lost it...


I dont intend to use it recklessly, It's intended as a workshop cutter and may even in the future be mounted on a robotic arm for precision. And oh yes, I am over 21.

Where would one aquire said warning labels? none of the sellers I've been to have any...

I just placed an order <10 min ago with Wicked Lasers, from what I've seen in verious places, they seem to be of good repute (and if customs confiscates the item, you get $100 credit AND they will reship it untill it gets through!) If worst comes to worst, I can contest the charge with Mastercard.

BTW: you said the problem was with //green// lasers. Does this mean my red Pulsar will get through w/o any trouble?
FDA applies to FOOD and DRUGS. Seems they should have their hands full with those two things alone after looking at recent news of food contamination and drug related deaths.
The devices we experiment with, while having the capability for some potential harm, are far from lethal. What regulations exist for arrows, kitchen knives, baseball bats and golf clubs which have actually killed people?
I elect my law makers and the issue of private ownership of non-lethal lasers has ever been mentioned. I've never seen any mention of my law makers debating laser laws either.
Sorry for the politics, but this country has greater problems to face than a few of us experimenting with light and optics in a safe manner. Who knows what new inventions can arise from we the people.


Guns don't kill people, bullets kill people!

You'd be surprised that state and federal regulations apply to many household items as well. Especially TOYS! Ever heard of these...

CPA FTC DCP...many many more!

Quiz Answers:

Underwriters Labrotory
Environmental Protection Energy
Consumer Protection agency, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Consumer Protection.

I agree, if everyone is armed no one can resist, let God sort 'em out.

Define non-lethal, courts say "cruel and unusal" is illegal. Especially if you are untrained John Q Public. So CS Gas, Tasers, Blinding by Laser and other sharp or pointed objects over a few inches are "unusual" and hence illegal. After local issues years ago with throwing stars, folding belt knives, sword canes and ninja weapons most cities & states have ordinances against ALL types of modern weapons, or cite similiar items to cover all blades, tools and defense items. I can carry a gun in texas but cannot enter any premise with it.

Elect Charlton Heston and the NRA rules!



p.s. back on topic. I posted some cheep(sp) sites on another thread...
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Yo ... rants over ... back on topic, please :D

P.S.: you can start such threads in the Café if appropriate and civil or in the Underground if less civil, should you be so inclined.
Kiessling said:
Yo ... rants over ... back on topic, please :D

P.S.: you can start such threads in the Café if appropriate and civil or in the Underground if less civil, should you be so inclined.

Kiessling, here in America we have good O'll freedom of speech that applies. I realize there in nazi Germany they may not have that luxury. We do and we can post what ever we want! How's that for abrasive? :rant:

By the way, it's NOT always darkest just before it goes pitch black. It's darkest when it IS pitch black!
The Phantom said:
Kiessling, here in America we have good O'll freedom of speech that applies. I realize there in nazi Germany they may not have that luxury. We do and we can post what ever we want! How's that for abrasive? :rant:

By the way, it's NOT always darkest just before it goes pitch black. It's darkest when it IS pitch black!
I find that this is completely appalling. I feel a certain sense of responsibility here, as the laser forum is the result from the group discovering my little retirement business of selling laser pointers. Of late, with the appearance of cheap devices from mainland China, an undesirable element has appeared in the forum of which you are a prime example. You need to be ashamed of yourself and you need to understand why you should be ashamed. The moderators here give unselfishly of their time to make this a viable forum. Just in case you think I am not a proper American have a look at these:
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Outstanding Arnold! Thats awsome! I wish I could have been born in the time of the space golden-age to get to enjoy the work you guys did in real-time.

Outstanding! Two thumbs up for Arnold helping put man on the moon! Two thumbs up for Arnold somehow pulling off getting the lasers I order to arive at my house on Monday when I order them on a Friday afternoon!

If you want a reliable source for solid lasers, Arnold ( would be an excellent guy to talk to. I've had nothing but great experiences and great lasers from him.

Best Wishes,
AtlasNova _looks_ good, but all I see are cheep pointers <5mw like I can get off ebay for <$10. I'm looking for higher-pwoered lasers, minimum of 100mw
I noticed that you mentioned that you would be useing it for cutting things in a shop.

I've got some 200mW lasers I'm playing with right now as I'm typing this, and as far as cutting anything beyond black plastic bags with an ugly melted edge, they are pretty useless.

You need something >50W if you wana do any cutting, and likely much more poweful than that unless you plan to just be slowly cutting thin materials. Either way, you will be requireing some sort of CNC control for the laser if you wish to get any useful results from it.

If you are just looking for a bright laser to have fun with, AtlasNova's "CandlePower Forum specials" are awsome lasers. I've bought 3 all ready and loved all of them.

If you are looking to actually cut things in a shop, battery powered lasers would be useless.

Best Wishes
Ashton said:
AtlasNova _looks_ good, but all I see are cheep pointers <5mw like I can get off ebay for <$10. I'm looking for higher-pwoered lasers, minimum of 100mw
Thank you for the complement "AtlasNova _looks_ good" but the rest of your statement is not correct. You are, however, absolutely correct in your assumption that I have nothing to offer you in your quest.
I wonder no one really reacted to this, even abeland's response shows too much respect.
This is such an dumb insult that should at least give a ban for a few days.

obviously Kiessling is much more in the thinking of the right of free speech, than You are.
If I were a mod, You were already banned, but then You would think You are right (which You are not!).
Maybe one of his american collegues could help him out, just for the optic.
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Just took me a little time to get back today.

The Phantom ... you are banned :banned:
Please do not come back, your presence is not appreciated nor accepted on CPF any more.

Ashton ... I could try to educate you about being polite, about respect and giving face even when saying negative things. But I guess my time would be wasted, so all I have to say to you is ... please be civil and polite on CPF, even if you do not understand why we'd like it this way here and even if you don't feel like it. Thank you.

yellow said:
I wonder no one really reacted to this, even abeland's response shows too much respect.
This is such an dumb insult that should at least give a ban for a few days.
The tone of respect that you detect in my post is not directed toward the individual involved in the thoroughly offensive posting. I have a great deal of respect for this group, and my language in posting will always reflect this. I have wondered if the false assumption of an anonymity on the Web posting has served to encourage bad behavior on the part of our young people. I will not take part in a forum that is not moderated. This is a real shame as there are USENET forums in which I could well have the ability to make some small contribution. The CPF forum is a welcome haven from the wild and woolly web.
Thank goodness for the ban button. CPF rocks, and Bernie rocks! :rock:

And just for the record, my Atlasnova CPF Special bears little resemblance to a $10 Ebayser.

BTW, great posts, Arnold. I've liked your style ever since getting chewed out once myself... lol.

And thanks for being part of the Apollo mission. I was too young to know anything about it at the time, but with every passing year, I find myself ever more in awe of that achievement.
Bernie Rocks!
what did you mean by the old world Germany anyway? last I looked Germanys pretty modern...everything from wireless hotspots to PV power generating highways:whistle:

okay back on lasers [as much as I wanted to buy from] do not have IR filters and that makes them dangerous since IR is basically invisible:ohgeez:

not to mention weak joints in certain areas and short lifespans:ohgeez:
Thanx guys :eek: ... but we need to get back on topic. Moderation isn't a part of the discussion on CPF, sorry.