Mother In Law Light Suggestions


Newly Enlightened
Dec 26, 2003
Hi all,
As a relative newcomer to the world of LED's, I'm looking for suggestions for my mother in law an upgraded light. She needs a fairly bright general purpose light for walking her dogs at night, etc. I bought her a Surefire G2 a year ago, and the short runtime of the batteries (~ 1 hour), plus the potential for the LA to burn out, is taking its toll. I buy the 123 batteries for her from Battery Station, but she feels bad to keep asking me for more.

So, with all that said, I'm looking for suggestions on an LED light that fits her needs and budget. What I'm thinking of is:
- LED (obviously), 1W minimum (the 5mms probably not bright enough)
- ordinary batteries (AA, C, D. D size light probably too bulky for her)
- regulated/good runtime. Definitely more than an hour.
- budget-priced (probably $25/$30)

At this point, the UK4AA LED seems to fit the bill. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help.
How about the new LED replacement LA for the G2? It'd be pretty bright, longer runtime, and still in a strudy light.

In some other lights, Princeton Tec makes some good LEDs. Maybe something from Nuwai??
Inova X5T for ~18 hour runtime or Inova T2 (5 hour runtime) both on 2xCR123

The X5T is more of a flood light, whereas T2 has more throw
The Costco 1W LED. It's very bright, runs on 2 AAs and has a few hours of runtime. Two for $28. Hard to go wrong.
Hey Hey, I know just the thing. Uses Alakline AA batteries available at the grocery store or even Costco. Mother In Law can buy as many batteries as her little heart desires
Rechargeable, definitely. As for a 1W LED, don't expect anywhere near the performance of the G2. In fact you'll probably get a lot less. The UK eLED is a good light, but underdriven for longer run time - it trades off brightness to burn longer. Second the recommendation for the Streamlight Jr Lux. - it is probably your best bet, they drive at full power and they take AA cells.

With AA's, you can always pick up some of your favorite rechargeable batteries, and thus always have 'free' power in the light. 2 hours on NiMH batteries should be enough for the longest of walks and then some.
i would vote for the Streamlight 3AA Tasklight luxeon. i'd still be using mine today if i hadn't got that speeding ticket. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

the Gerber LX 1.0 would also be a good call for close to that price range. it is a few bucks more tho.

i'd reccomend the UK eLED but its brightness is more comparable to multiple LED's (tho superior inmyhonestopinion) than the luxeon lights i just mentioned. you outta buy one for yourself anyway if you haven't already, and you could let her check it out and see if she finds it adequate for dog walking. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Sounds like she uses her light daily, so why not go the rechargeable way? Get her a minimag with a sammie, half-a-dozen AA NiMH's and a charger. For something more "unconventional" there's the rechargeable version of the UK4AA.
the rechargeable uk4AA is rather expensive. Depending on her age I would consider a light that you could hook onto a neck or wrist lanyard so dropping it wont be an issue. AA cells and easy to change batteries may also be adviseable. A light that plays nice with both nimh and alkaline is the cheapest too. I would consider both a uk4AA and a 2AA luxeon light. Most people get by with one light but I am an advocate of backup lights when you find yourself using one regularly. If you get a light with 2 hours or less runtime may consider a cheap keychain LED light or dorcy AAA as a backup for when it dies while dog walking. (yes people forget how much time batteries have left on lights).
With the Costco light each of you get one. It has nice clean lines and an elegant design.

I have an Elektrolumens XM-3 that I really like. It is built like a tank and I like that.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I hadn't really thought about the rechargeable option (even though they are a staple in my house for Gameboys, cameras, etc.).

Any recommendations for a "sammie" for a minimag? Only got the Opalec myself. The new LED drop-in for the G2 looks cool, but she's still stuck needing the 123 batteries.

And the Costco lights sound appealing (buy one get one philosophy). I'll have to check them out. Are there any reviews of them?
How about the Elektrolumens XM-3? I really like mine - nice output, 2 or 2 1/2 hours regulated, and runs on any flavor of AAs. A little over your projected price, but a very sturdy light.
I just bought a Dorcy 3X AAA 1W luxeon for $39.99 CDN at Future Shop (Best Buy). It is probably cheaper in the U.S. This little light is pretty decent for the money and according
to it puts out more than SL Jr Lux, Nuwaii Q3 and the XM-3. It has a special battery holder so that the 3 cells are in series 4.5V.

It is $23.50 at
Uh ... mother in law ... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif ... it'd better be a really cool light /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Good luck to you! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif
Bernhard... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif...funny!!!! Luckily, she's pretty cool (for a Mom In Law) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Any reviews on the Costco light or any idea who makes it?

Although the Electrolumens stuff looks great (and is, by everything I've read), it is a little too pricey for now...until I can convert her into a Flashaholic...
I would think the XM-3 pretty much fills the bill, but the cost is a little higher at $39.99. The savings in batteries because of the run time and cheapter AA type should make this light pay for itself before too long if it is used frequently.

For my M-I-L, may be a candle. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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