Multi line Argon

WOW!!!! I will buy one of those right now!!!

Can you give me a link to the seller? I might buy 2-3 right now! :D :D :D
68 charger said:
Here you go Senkat.......I discovered my 488nm Argon is a Multi line. This is my $250 e-bay special reflected off a C.D.:wtf:

AWESOME ! It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy ! I guess I can swallow my jealousy - and say, " WOW !" That is tooooo cool ! Hey - try putting that CD of center, like a tunnel gun mirror, and shine away then - I wanna see many many little colored tornadoes ! SWEEEET ! You KNOW I will give that baby a great home if you ever get tired of it !
The red is actually a 200mw sik diode throw in for fun......thought you might like that Senkat!
liveforphysics said:
Ok, now dont just tease! Tell me who you got that laser from so we can get some!!!

It was actually a private sellar on e-bay. He listed it and i watched it but no one bid on it and the auction ended. He then re-listed at a lower price so I watched it again untill auction end and bid $1 over listing price. I got it shipped to my door for $250:grin2: was listed as a40mw but it lights matchs instantly within 3 feet of aperature!