Music you like but don't want your friends to know you like it

REO Speedwagon Rocks!

Traditional Mexican music. I grow tired of the lyrics of many English songs and while in the garage/shop I put this on and the lively nature makes the time pass faster. If I understood Spanish that may change but since I don't, the tunes are fun.
in the late 80s my freinds gave me hell for listening to styrper they said there not a metal band becuase there christan. well guess what there still makeing amazeing albums while there bands are not lol. the sweet brothers are amazeing
Saw Stryper in concert, they put on a good show. The vinyl albums brought premium $ when I sold them a couple years back to a record shop.
Uncensored version: Literally the only part that was censored was starting a war at the gay bar. Yeah, for some reason that was considered just too much from his band made up of Satanists. Hey, I like their music, not their god....