my 6aa energiser db can stomp your 6P with hola any day of the week

Ok, I'll bite. So what's the scoop? Did you put the Energizer sticker on your Light Cannon?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aragorn:
it can. it will. so stay back unless you want to know how i did it!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does the entire modified device spontaneously combust? Or can you turn the thing on twice?
My guess is he is simply using 6 rechargable NiMH's, rewired it so they are all in series, and is using either the HOLA or LOLA for a 3 cell surefire. LOLA would give around an hour to an hour and a half I am guessing, and HOLA would probably give 30 minutes.

My guess... probably used a kpr-104 or xpr-104 bulb with 6 nimh batteries... very bright but only has a bulb life of about 15 min.
ease up guys my computer crashed [Why should we believe that?! - You just like to keep us wanting and waiting!] i'll give more info later tonight so stay tuned [I'll be asleep by then...
btw my light connon is going back because with this i no longer need it.

[Moderator Edits - I got itchy fingers with all the waiting... Al
I gave in and had a little fun commenting in Aragorn's last post above.

I had to do something while I'm waiting for our friend to spill the beans!

listen here if i didnt love you and know you i might get very offended and pickup my toys and go home
perhaps you dont know what its like to load a RIO 600 mp3 player and have it not work. then to have it slam your system when you try to reboot(sound familiar chris
). to top this off it was not i who caught the crash first. no it was my dad who experienced the lovelyness of the occasion and "informed" me when i got home from a hard day at work that the computer was mess up and it was my fault and that until it was fixed i was grounded from the computer and laptop. today was spent with Justin at Gateway 2000. Justin helped me get into safe mode and fixed the problem for the moment. he then told me that i have to erase my computer. ive got good stuff on that thing and im not happy about losing it. puting you in priority though i checked email one last time and informed those that i could that i would not have email for a few days so to just pm me. hotfoot is my witness that this is true.
yes i will tell as soon as one of you backstabbers apologises
. or maybe youre not man enough

i had expected better of you. after all i have been through i the past 24 hours i came here to get support however none was given. im disipointed
Ahh, the Windows 95 crash. Lost count of how many systems I've fixed because of various Win95 quirks..

Believe me, I know how frustrating a serious crash can be - I've been doing PC and network support for the better part of 10 years. Don't let it get to you - computers just get harder to live with if you let them know they're getting to you..

Anyway, hope your reinstall goes ok..

thank you guys for waiting. first id like you to know that if your interested but cant make this light you can contact me. aslo if you send the parts and a payment for return shiping then i will do it for free.
to start i removed the stickers from the sides of the light then i seperated the cap from the head and the head from the body. i removed some springs and put wires in there place for a fliker free conection. two more wires were placed above the switch and soldered to the pos and neg. they were ran through a small drilled hole into the reflecterarea (no reflect present of course)
the hola p91 had had its springs removed leaving 2 contacts which were soldered in to the wires. the original bulb socket had been slightly widend and the hola just snugs in. now just put it togeter and kill some ones retina.
which brings me to the next point- this bad boy is 110 percent as bright as my light cannon. yes no lie. i turn it on and guys have run 9p hola before- you know that unique "rule the night" feel you get. the feeling of territorial fearlessness and the desire to challenge something anything and all the while knowing that you are boss and this is your kingdom. i never felt that way with the hid. never ever.the 4 inches of machined aluminum helps in a tight spot too.

pics later. questions class?
So are you running the P91 straight from 6 AA's in series? Can you take a measurement at the lamp while it is running to get the voltage. You know I just realized I don't have the P90 and P91 on my chart on my site, I have to get on that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aragorn:
...this bad boy is 110 percent as bright as my light cannon. yes no lie. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How long will it run without noticeable dimming?
