So I'm in a band here in Orlando, Florida. We were practicing Monday night, til about 1:30 in the morning. Then, as I'm leaving there, I decide to stop by another friends apartment. Parking was horrible there, so I ended up parking like half a mile from my friends building, right by the entrance to her Apartment Complex. It's a gated complex, and I've been there literally hundreds upon hundreds of times (we dated for like 2 years...). So, I decided to leave her place at like 2:45 in the morning. Here's where it gets crazy.
As I'm making the loooong walk to my car, I notice that the dome light is on inside. That's weird, I *never* leave the dome light on in my car. Then, I notice that my window is down. Weird, I *NEVER* leave the window down! About that time, a very suspect looking white full sized van who is illegally parked alongside the curb right behind my car, starts up and drives away. Then, I get closer to my car... and see that the driverside window is smashed to pieces! And the interior of my car is TRASHED! I mean, everything I had in the back seats was ALL OVER my car. They cleaned out about 5 dollars worth of change in my ash tray, and just made a HUGE MESS! I didn't have much of any value inside (luckilly, the day before, I took out my mp3 player, and guitar!) I knew it had to have happened within the past minute or so, because my dome light is on a timer. It was on when I approached my car, and went off shortly after...
Now, back to the van. They went the wrong way when they left, so they had to pull a U-turn and drive RIGHT back by me. As they drove past me, I shined my LED_ASAP modded Arc AAA LS on them, and caught their liscense plate number! I called 911, and told them everything that happened. Within minutes, the cops were there, and they dusted my car for prints, and I filled out a statement etc. They told me that they ran a check on the plates that I called in, and they were reported stolen! So, they had no information on the van that I described. Damn. What a pain in the butt! Now, I have to get my window replaced, and re-tinted. When I bought the car, it had an illegal tint on it, so I'm going to have to pay out of my pocket to get it re-tinted, cuz I'm sure insurance won't have anything to do with that!
I guess if you have to look on the bright side, I saved tons of other people from getting their cars broken into last night. Because, I was the second car that was hit (since I was SO close to the entrance of the complex) and I can guarantee that they were just going to make their rounds breaking into car after car, but they drove off after I interupted them. What a night. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
As I'm making the loooong walk to my car, I notice that the dome light is on inside. That's weird, I *never* leave the dome light on in my car. Then, I notice that my window is down. Weird, I *NEVER* leave the window down! About that time, a very suspect looking white full sized van who is illegally parked alongside the curb right behind my car, starts up and drives away. Then, I get closer to my car... and see that the driverside window is smashed to pieces! And the interior of my car is TRASHED! I mean, everything I had in the back seats was ALL OVER my car. They cleaned out about 5 dollars worth of change in my ash tray, and just made a HUGE MESS! I didn't have much of any value inside (luckilly, the day before, I took out my mp3 player, and guitar!) I knew it had to have happened within the past minute or so, because my dome light is on a timer. It was on when I approached my car, and went off shortly after...
Now, back to the van. They went the wrong way when they left, so they had to pull a U-turn and drive RIGHT back by me. As they drove past me, I shined my LED_ASAP modded Arc AAA LS on them, and caught their liscense plate number! I called 911, and told them everything that happened. Within minutes, the cops were there, and they dusted my car for prints, and I filled out a statement etc. They told me that they ran a check on the plates that I called in, and they were reported stolen! So, they had no information on the van that I described. Damn. What a pain in the butt! Now, I have to get my window replaced, and re-tinted. When I bought the car, it had an illegal tint on it, so I'm going to have to pay out of my pocket to get it re-tinted, cuz I'm sure insurance won't have anything to do with that!
I guess if you have to look on the bright side, I saved tons of other people from getting their cars broken into last night. Because, I was the second car that was hit (since I was SO close to the entrance of the complex) and I can guarantee that they were just going to make their rounds breaking into car after car, but they drove off after I interupted them. What a night. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif