my cree has Teats? what to do what to do


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space

i have been using the Grind off the anode connection method, and every time i get done scraping it, with a dremmil and a small grinding wheel, i still get some sort of connettion when i use a "feeler" to try and see if i got all the metal off.

so THIS time, before i grind all the way through the other side of the board, i was going to put it under the microscope, and see just what it is i keep missing.

Do those go ALL the way through to the other side?

anyways i thought i would ALSO provide the pic, as helpfull as others have been in indicating what processes to use.

doesnt it look like a person might be able to clip the corners, and leave the rest of the band of metal on, as long as they got the connection teats off?

i donno, help me obeeJuanCreebie
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Yes, clipping the corners has been what most of us (including me) did in order to isolate the bottom. Works like a charm :)
I clipped the corners then used 150 grit sandpaper to clean the edges. I used a jeweler's scope to verify the traces were completely removed.
Those do go all the way through. Those are the vias that electrically connect the top contact to the bottom contact.