My Disappointing Knives 2 ( SRM )


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

My very first SRM .
Axis lock was patent protected at the time I got this one .
You can make this knife SHARP , really sharp ! Just never held the edge that long .
Thought this time around .. Seems to have done a little better !
Sharpened to 1500 grit diamond on a guided system .

Showing signs @ 50 and failing at 100 slices . ( Yeah )
Could just be a bad heat treat, however some manufacturers that do stock removal after the heat treat often have soft edges due to over heating the edge. I have found that sometimes aggressive hand sharpening will remove the soft steel and provide much better edge retention.
Could just be a bad heat treat, however some manufacturers that do stock removal after the heat treat often have soft edges due to over heating the edge. I have found that sometimes aggressive hand sharpening will remove the soft steel and provide much better edge retention.
It's been used a fair bit ... Was a go to knife for maybe one year & then put away . Was re tested a few years ago . & retested once more .
My sharpening has gotten better the last 5 years or so due to better sharpening tools and the fact I started taking sharpening more seriously .
I went from a "sharp" mind set to "keeps sharp" mind set . ( Or is that - Stays Sharp ? ) And in the last year I have started doing a little more hand sharpening .

So ........... speaking for myself ! I wasn't happy with sharp , I wanted / want stays sharp ( for as long as possible ) .

Yeah , how the steel is cooked is all important ! Cos it makes or breaks the knife !
SRM 7092LUX .... Wow . this one got a lot of sharpening in the past .
All the SRM have been sharpened to 1500 grit diamond with as much care as I can muster . ( guided )
This SRM might be my 3rd one . ( No2 was a small knife )
I really got sick of this one as it constantly needed re sharpening !

In this test .. Right from 50 it was giving issue and did a full fail at 150 ...

I guess one could call fail earlier if one wanted to . ( Hence I provide video - for the reader )