Originally posted by ygbsm:
Your idea sounds great to me. More Power!!! You see, I have an old 9Z that is literally collecting dust and a KT1 (hopefully I can find it), while at the same time I have been contemplating something with more power and more throw than the M3 (e.g. the M3T, M4 or M6), but have just not wanted to spend money that I have allocated for lights of apparently equal cost, i.e. the A2. So this conversion sounds very attractive.
Now, suppose I wanted to convert an old 9Z to M4 like power (12V). That would seem to require an A19 (and the KT), but what lamp should I get? The MN61 handles 12V but would there be any size problems because it was designed for and M4 body? (I almost just ordered the lamp anyway out of sheer impatience, but rationality kicked in and I realized it was better to seek help -- not of course about flashaholism).