My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave her...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
"I lost that little light you gave me for the keychain." "You mean the little round one the size of a quarter that you squeeze the button?" (photon 3). "No, no the other one, the longer skinny one." I haul out my keychain and point to the Arc. "You mean this one." "Yeah, yeah, can you get me another?" "Sorry dear, those are in short supply these days." (knowing full well that in actuality I do have ONE extra Arc AAA still in it's packaging). Maybe I will get her a Peak but isn't even the smallest peak longer then an Arc AAA?
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

I think you can buy the "lug" style PEAK and it is exactly the same size as the Arc AAA. They have it on their website.

EDIT: Here at the bottom.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

If her purse is like my wife's get her to dump it. You'll find it there.

Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

lucky you, having a gf asking you for a flashlight!

I'd get her a peak or an arc right away ! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

those brass ones look nice.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

I always offer one for my girlfriend but she always tells me to keep em since i like them more. Thats till i found her a photon in Turquoise (she loves turquoise/green)
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Those Peak's are kind of expensive, LOL. I remember when we were all complaining because we had to pay $24.95 for an Arc AAA instead of $15-20 that some of the retailers were offering them at for awhile.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

I bought one of those Peaks but now I can't find it. I'm sure it's buried among this junk somewhere though. I put a long review over in the reviews forum. Short version: almost as good as an Arc; dimmer but runs a lot longer.

I'm not crazy about the Photon III and am unsurprised your gf doesn't like it. She might like the Photon II or Photon Freedom better.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Get her a Peak with a brass body and she'll think you got her an upgrade.....unless she is a REAL flashaholic...then you're screwed and might as well start bidding on EBay... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

I got her replacement right here...

Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Anyone who loses an Arc AAA deserves a Dorcy as a replacement. She'll probably like it better anyway because it is cuter. And when she loses THAT one, it is easy and cheap to replace.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Lurker said:
Anyone who loses an Arc AAA deserves a Dorcy as a replacement. She'll probably like it better anyway because it is cuter. And when she loses THAT one, it is easy and cheap to replace.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. If she doesn't show much remorse over the first lost light, she's not apt to take any better care of the second light. Especially after she's seen how quickly she can get you to replace it... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

That spare Arc AAA will stay right where it is until either it becomes a collector's item or my keychain one breaks.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Hmm, 'friend girl' /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif does that mean she's been re-assigned from 'girlfriend' after losing the Arc? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif Well, I think she needs to be beat upside the head with a M@g for losing that Arc! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif (Kidding /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif ) Erm, it IS a collector's item as they don't make them anymore in case you haven't heard /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Tell her what an Arc is worth on ebay and ask her how she is going to make it up to you.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

My wife lost her Arc AAA... along with her entire keyring! Nooooooooooooooooo! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Since it was the second time she'd lost her keys since we'd been together, we addressed the issue as follows:

1. Now she carries a $1 Countycomm keychain light! (The cool-looking translucent ones with momentary on, which offers the side benefit that she won't leave the thing on and run down the battery.)

2. I put her keys on the LARGEST, MOST OBNOXIOUS LOOKING split ring I could find... this thing's at least 2 inches in diameter, and maybe closer to 3! It looks more like one of those crazy hoop earrings than a keyring. The point of this particular measure is to make the thing as visible as possible in case she drops it... and since it's got the usual shiny steel finish, hopefully a flashlight will reflect a little light off it if searching in the dark!

3. The monster keyring mentioned above is attached to a lanyard made from a very strong but flexible length of nylon cord. Now the rule is that her keyring will ONLY be in one of three places: on her neck; in the car ignition; or on the hook we have inside the house for our keys!

Maybe this sounds extreme, but she actually agreed to the terms, and now LIKES the monster keyring-on-a-lanyard. So far so good as far as not losing it, too! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Poor poor missing arc /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif

That Dorcy idea is pretty good unless it's to big for what she wants. Don't get much smaller than dem' arc AAA.
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Wow. Change girlfriends. Tell her you always had a zero tolerance philosophy towards lost flashlights.

Prepare to die alone, bitter, and unloved. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mecry.gif

...right...It's just a flashlight, after all... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon23.gif

PS. I got my wife several Dorcy AAA's and 1xAA. She likes the Dorcy colors more than the gray Arc's
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Dump her, she has no respect for the power of light.
You really think you want to go thru life with a gal that
throws away your ARC??? Passive Aggression (cant spell but I know what I mean)women do not lose anything they get just stuff other folks give to them. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/poke2.gif
Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

nerdgineer said:
Wow. Change girlfriends. Tell her you always had a zero tolerance philosophy towards lost flashlights.

Prepare to die alone, bitter, and unloved. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mecry.gif

...right...It's just a flashlight, after all... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon23.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a flashlight? Or is it a product of your labor? I don't care if its the most 'trivial' thing in the world, if someone neglects or loses something that I had to WORK for and dedicate HOURS of my LIFE for, then they are indeed unworthy. I've seen your viewpoint many times before and it comes from people with no regard towards property, and therefore, respect of the people who own it. Where they get this viewpoint, I have no idea...

It all comes down to respect and responsibility. Curiously, the two elements most missing in society today. It has nothing to do with flashlights.

Re: My friend girl lost the Arc AAA that I gave he

Whoa Mark, I didn't mean to tickle your particular sensitive spot. Of course, it's a wonderful light and worth maybe $60 or 4 hours at twice minimum wage, and that's something.

I was just trying to put a little humor into the perspective between human relationships and even very nice objects. If this was the right girl, then the value of that relationship is on another scale compared to that of an Arc AAA, or a Chris Reeve folder, or whatever. If not, then maybe you shouldn't be giving her any objects whose value to you exceed her value to you.

As for responsibility, it is important; but I would probably try to inform my significant other of the exact responsibility I was bestowing on her with my prize toy BEFORE I gave it to her, i.e. that it came with this particular string attached. It's unfair to expect someone to understand by mental telepathy what that little 3" x 1/2" metal tube means to me so she will value it accordingly. While I share our common fascination with these things, it's not always apparent to everyone else, even if I do go on and on about them.

So then if she took it, you would both understand. Or maybe she would understand and decide to not take it because what you'd be giving would be more of a burden than a true gift.

And with that, you've told her something important about yourself as well, for better or worse...

Geopondy - sorry about the rant. It's not about you or your girlfriend, just a clarification for Mark.