my mouse is old


Jun 23, 2003
central time
Know your mouse is old when the cord's insulation wears through from sliding back/forth on the desk exposing bare wires. Wrapped some electrical tape around it and am back to work.
i have not used a mouse in years. my ipad is way faster then my old desktop . apple has some voodoo in there a12x.
i have not used a mouse in years. my ipad is way faster then my old desktop . apple has some voodoo in there a12x.

I haven't used a mouse (of my own) in decades as I have always preferred a trackball (logitech thumb optical). My first optical trackman marble died on me and I couldn't find one for under $75 so I got a newer version which I am finally used to but again they don't make that model and the newer model is again less comfortable luckily I go to thrift stores looking for older tech as bargain prices and have several trackman sitting idle waiting for a failure and I have several optical regular meeses that are also sitting around I picked up for a dollar or two in excellent condition. Another reason I like trackballs is they don't move the ball moves instead so you don't need a lot of space to operate them at all. The only problem with them is you have to clean them on occasion as the ball picks up dirt and oil from your hand and coats the slider pegs/pins with the gunk takes about 15 seconds to wipe them off every 3-6 months.

However my keyboard is pretty old... it is my first keyboard from my first PC about 30 years old almost now Keytronics made in USA.
Cord? Your mouse has a cord? :crackup:
I love my iPad but I do miss a mouse, just feels right after using one at work and home for years. Also, I really like the arrow...

Does your Ipad support a bluetooth mouse? I have an Android smart phone that I connected a USB keyboard and USB mouse (on separate occasions) to it and both worked although the mouse was a bit hard to operate trying to swipe you have to get used to it with a mouse.
im on ipad os 14 im pretty sure you can use a mouse even a xbox controler
~20 years old. One of the best mice I've ever seen, and coming from someone in IT that says something.

Also, it's a BALL mouse, not optical.

My first trackball was not an optical one and finally after taking it apart to clean it dozens of times a spring wore out and the one I replaced it with didn't work as well and the first optical pointing device on the market was a trackman optical. Optical mice did not come out for another 2 years after that so I was optical 2 years before most folks were.... not having to wipe off rollers was a big blessing.
Trackball is a nasty word. I have one customer that will ONLY use a particular model trackball from about 30 years ago. It's mechanical with a serial interface. I rummaged around on ebay and found a spare... I hope he never breaks both of them. This thing is HUGE, about 6"x6" with a ball the size of a tennis ball.
Trackball is a nasty word. I have one customer that will ONLY use a particular model trackball from about 30 years ago. It's mechanical with a serial interface. I rummaged around on ebay and found a spare... I hope he never breaks both of them. This thing is HUGE, about 6"x6" with a ball the size of a tennis ball.

I recall several of that size and I prefer the thumball versions myself. My first trackball was serial and my optical one was PS2 and the current one is USB and I have a spare one plus 2 wireless trackballs one with a receiver that plugs in another will a little USB dongle TX/RX module. Once I got used to a trackball I found myself able to zoom through things a lot faster never having to pick up the mouse speeds things up a bunch.
turbo if i may ask what are the specs of your computer. and have you seen amds new cpus? i want one so bad. but im waiting to the next die size reduction id like 4 nm
turbo if i may ask what are the specs of your computer. and have you seen amds new cpus? i want one so bad. but im waiting to the next die size reduction id like 4 nm
I just looked and unless you want to pay a lot more AMD is coming out with 5nm die size soon and I think 4nm will require more expensive engineering costs to get transistors to work right.
its amazing how good tech is today my ipad pro is crazy fast
Things will just get cheaper and faster and smaller. About 25 years ago I though to myself would it be possible to make an electronic book that you could download and store multiple books on and read them that would eventually make it easier for people to read and reduce bookshelf size etc and then over time they had notebooks but they cost $500 and I thought maybe they could make them cheaper but the cheapest that could be was around $250-$300. Move forward 10 years from that and we have chromebooks and the like in the $100 range and smart phones. Now what I envisioned back then is not a dream but reality. Now trying to guess what is next goes beyond just getting smaller and more powerful that is inevitable. What I am thinking is in the future is now connecting at nerve and muscle tissue level electronic sensors to devices such that we may not need touch screens and wireless headsets but can think and gesture with our eyeballs and wiggle our ears and call grandma or something.
Things will just get cheaper and faster and smaller. About 25 years ago I though to myself would it be possible to make an electronic book that you could download and store multiple books on and read them that would eventually make it easier for people to read and reduce bookshelf size etc and then over time they had notebooks but they cost $500 and I thought maybe they could make them cheaper but the cheapest that could be was around $250-$300. Move forward 10 years from that and we have chromebooks and the like in the $100 range and smart phones. Now what I envisioned back then is not a dream but reality. Now trying to guess what is next goes beyond just getting smaller and more powerful that is inevitable. What I am thinking is in the future is now connecting at nerve and muscle tissue level electronic sensors to devices such that we may not need touch screens and wireless headsets but can think and gesture with our eyeballs and wiggle our ears and call grandma or something.
im predicting phone cameras will soon take dslr quality picture with no added lens .the sensor would be so good and the ai so good that the sensor will take in all light and use ai to get great pics . im hopeing so anyway
turbo if i may ask what are the specs of your computer. and have you seen amds new cpus? i want one so bad. but im waiting to the next die size reduction id like 4 nm

I'm in IT so I have a few. I do a little gaming so that's the fastest box with a nice i7-9th gen, 16gb, and 1tb nvme ssd. Most others are i7 gen 7/8 and several xeon as well.