Marty Weiner
Flashlight Enthusiast
My Name Is Marty and I\'m A Flashaholic!
It happened again today. I went to Orchard Supply Hardware and wound up head deep in their flashlight display. Oh my God! Craftsman (they are owned by Sears), Dorcy, Mag Light..I'm lost in a winter wonderland of light.
As you can expect, I left without buying the garbage disposal that I was looking for but I did find myself at the register with a 4AA Tool Light for $7.95. I don't need it BUT I wanted it!
I'm sick. Are there prescription drugs for my ailment? Will Blue Shield cover my doctor visits? Will my bank cover the overdraft for the M6 that I hunger for?
It happened again today. I went to Orchard Supply Hardware and wound up head deep in their flashlight display. Oh my God! Craftsman (they are owned by Sears), Dorcy, Mag Light..I'm lost in a winter wonderland of light.
As you can expect, I left without buying the garbage disposal that I was looking for but I did find myself at the register with a 4AA Tool Light for $7.95. I don't need it BUT I wanted it!
I'm sick. Are there prescription drugs for my ailment? Will Blue Shield cover my doctor visits? Will my bank cover the overdraft for the M6 that I hunger for?