My own Rebel


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 31, 2006
N 03°13.884° / E 101°29.329°
My Rebel emitter arrived today from DX (
I just swapped the emitter in this flashlight (
And run it with BS 2xcr123 and here it turns out to be :-


Dmini clone with Q5 star

JB MKIIx with LiFo 3.0v cell


Nice large hotspot for the rebel. Where is the spill?.

Off topic but:

I also did the D-mini clone Q5 mod.

The tight focussed beam is hard to beat for outdoor use. One of my favorite cheapo.

Howdy nanotech17 :wave:

Just a wonderin if I might ask a question..... or two now, I reckon? :D

How did you mount the Rebel and get power to it? I am not familiar with that flashlight and viewed on my monitor, the picture just doesn`t help. Haven`t seen a Rebel in person to play with one yet but some of those little bad boys should be in the mail and arriving real soon... like today, I hope. :eek:oo:

Thank you:)
Howdy nanotech17 :wave:

Just a wonderin if I might ask a question..... or two now, I reckon? :D

How did you mount the Rebel and get power to it? I am not familiar with that flashlight and viewed on my monitor, the picture just doesn`t help. Haven`t seen a Rebel in person to play with one yet but some of those little bad boys should be in the mail and arriving real soon... like today, I hope. :eek:oo:

Thank you:)

It's a piece of cake - i use this glue thermal compound ( and once it set dry i just soldered the lead wires :D as the Rebel was already mounted on a board itself.

Didn`t realize the Rebel came mounted on a board. It`s obvious now that I should have clicked on your link that you were kind enough to put in the first post. :eek: Sorry but it`s also obvious now that.......... :stupid:

Thank you for the reply with a link I did check out and appreciate! :thumbsup:

thie rebel really kick some a$$ - when i compare to Q5 from the same vendor this little rebel still stands on it's own despite vary in colour temperature but once you are outdoor with this little guy - you'll know how strong this little guy is :)
wait 'till you get yours.