My SF E1e+new KL1 is coming!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2004
The Heartland of America
I can't wait for my E1e+KL1 to get here. I have seen from many of you that it is one of the best small EDC LED lights around. I drool whenever I see a UPS or FedEx truck in my neighborhood. Come on, UPS!!!! Bring my baby home!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Where are you getting your "new" KL1 head? I tried ordering one from Surefire, and for the third and LAST time, they took my credit card number and said it would be 6 days. Three weeks later, when I called them and asked where in the hell my KL1 head was, they told me that they were on back-order and it would be a few weeks. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif I cancelled my order with prejudice!

I have heard that the new KL1 is a throw-monster and I am thinking about replacing my old E2e heads for reliability, regulated output, and possibly greater throw. Of course, I first have to get my hands on one to test it!!!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Flashdark - I can personally recommend jcciv. I was dying to have a new KL1 when they first came out and even when nobody else could get their hands on him, he pulled some kind of miracle and got one to me, complete with typo errors on the packaging that characterized the very first few shipped /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif that didn't take away from the KL1 in any way, damn fine light it was except that I liked my 3rd-gen better (I'm just picky and a flood person).

Now that they're a regularly stocked item, no miracles are required, just drop him a PM.

PS: 3 in stock. I got the fright of my life when at first my search turned up nothing at all, I thought the ebay store had been closed due to some catastrophic disaster.. thank god it ain't gonna be so.

socom1970 - congratulations on your purchase. It's my favorite too:

I'm very happy with my KL1 "new" generation. You should get a F04 beamshaper with at some point. It really gives you the best of both worlds!
I have and like both the old and new KL1. I agree with others on this board that say the new one should have its own name and SureFire should continue to make both. Maybe like CocaCola they could make a KL1 Classic. Anyway... the new one is a little throw monster. It really gives my A2 (on high) a run for its money. I could just about switch to it for EDC instead of the A2. Although I really use the low-wide angle on the A2 more than the incan. But the new KL1 on an E1e is so small and so sweet it is hard to resist. I almost lost it to my wife who was wanting to give her 6P+KL3 back to me because of the size and apparent brightness. In the end she wound up keeping her old rig and saved me from having to buy another one for myself. Enjoy!

My E1e/KL1 has become my EDC favorite. I used to carry a ARC AAA in my pocket now I just strap my E1e/KL1 to my belt. It's size to output ratio is fantastic. I love the throw of it's beam. I use it for just about everything now. I use a converted orange Walmart matchstick carrier for spare batteries. My E2d is my backup light and now lives a lonely life in my backback with a full spares carrier for company.

You did well socom1970!
I have a new version SureFire KL1 with a Vital Gear FB1 body and it is a great combo. It does throw a long, tight beam. I would guess at least a 200 ft lightup distance.
Hey Flashdark! ( I love the definition of it by the way)
I ordered mine directly from surefire, but Gander Mountain had about 5 of the new KL1's in stock.
I just found out today that my KL1 is backordered at least a month. Bogus!!! It would be nice if we could know if something is unavailable when we order online. The customer service people said it is better to call in an order because they can tell you over the phone if something is out of stock. I don't know why that can't be done online, too.
I ordrerd mine from oldgrampajack, a CPF member, and had it within three days. I believe that he has several left on BST.
while we are on the topic of the SF E1e and the KL1. can you run pila recharageables with this rig?
and on a side note can you run pila rechargeables on the E2e with both the ican bulb and or the KL1 led kit?
OK....convince me. What does this combo offer that you can't get from a QIII? Of course, it's a SF, and the build quality and flexibility is much greater, but in terms of usability, does this combo really outthrow a QIII that much?
After reading your post; tried KL1 on E1e body alongside a QIII;

QIII is much whiter; KL1 focuses and outhrows by a wide margin.

Size is nearly identical. E1e, offers a "twist" and momentary "push". QIII, "push" only to latch.

Perhaps I will post pix, later?

jeffb said:

QIII is much whiter;

[/ QUOTE ]

Just curious: what's the tint of your KL-1?
"CornKid", my KL1 is 4th generation and is "much" brighter!!
"Scuba", the KL1 has what Surefire refers to as "a light focusing lens", "close-up" @ 12" or so, the outer rings are ringed and "purplish white" (2rings) the inner is "rectangular" and yellow, the very inner is a more white (but still somewhat yellow) smaller rectangle. there is a "purplish white" square around the outer, yellow square. (if all that makes any sense!).

I have decided for myself, that I really prefer a reflectored light, vs lens or optics; just my preference.

Had a Inova X03, which I sold, have an Inova X0, which I may sell (both have the "Tiros" lensing), similar to the KL1.(round vs rectangular)

Very interestingly, at a distance, 18' or so, the "throw" and beam pattern of the KL1, appears much more round and looks whiter (than at "close" range), the QIII, is at 18' still "whiter".

The E1e, Kl1 combo seems much more solid, looks (in my opinion), much better and certainly has more power; Surefire is, though about 2x the price! I carry QIII, when I think there is a chance to "lose" it, as has oft been stated on this forum, QIII is verg good for the price, personally, have decided against modding it. (cheap looking body, dont like switch ,just IN MY OPINION!!) I really like my TnC "AA" and my LionHearts, but they are a different classes of light!
"just my 1/2 penny's worth"
Thanks for the answer jeffb. I actually have a KL-1 myself and was just curious about the tint of yours since mine looks quite white, although with a hint of purple in the outer ring. I just received the F04 beamshaper from Surefire and it really does a great job on the KL-1 beam! Makes it perfect for non throwing applications. I don't have a QIII but will probably check it out soon.
I finally have the E1e+4th Gen KL1. I picked up the last KL1 today at Gander Mountain. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!! It is amazing!!! VERY white!! Very good throw, Great spot, not a lot of spill, which is ok with me. It is Awesome! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants (needs) a small, bright, EDC main light or a backup like I use it for(as a backup to my 9P which is also EDC besides my CMG Ultra-G on my keyring.) I am so glad I found this forum!!! Thanks everyone. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm glad that you got a good one! By the way, do you know the runtime of the new KL-1 on 1 cell? I didn't see it anywhere...