My Spam BLocker works


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2002
39.42N 86.42 W
I currently use Earthliink for my ISP and their webmail system utilizes a spam blocker where if you aren't in my email address book, you don't have access to my inbox and must request admission for me to add you. Or I can scan the suspected spam folder online and not have to download all that garbage just to delete it. Works pretty well as I got the following request (I fragmented it):

Microsoft Microsoft is requesting to be added to your Address Book. If you allow this sender, any message(s) still in the Suspect Email folder sent by this address and all further email will be sent to your Inbox.

Sender: Microsoft Microsoft
Email Addresses: [email protected]

To View the suspect message, click this link.
Subject: Register Now for the Microsoft Management Summit 2005

To MOVE this message to the Inbox and ADD this sender to your AddressBook, click this link

[/ QUOTE ]

Should I hit the "submit as spam" button.........

The coluseum is open for vote, thumbs up or down?

(I subscribe so I won't spam it but still /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif)

No way I add the ( or or any other commercial site) to my allowed domain list for obvious reasons. However I get a certain smugness from getting this request.

Bashing Microsoft is still in style? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

Pellidon -

I took a peek. I didn't even know I had that capability. I'm using MailWasherPro but I'll check out the EL SPAM blocker tomorrow. I suppose if I were going out of town for a while I could set it on high. Then what ever machine I used to access the WebMail account would be easier than w/o the blocker turned on. THX for the heads up.


they have:
human authentication (turing? test)
probability analysis

very good.....

I have been using for over a year now.

Took 250+ spams/day down to 2-3.
gmail keeps me pretty spam-free, get maybe 1 or 2 a day and they head straight to the SPAM folder.
