My Surefire 9P to L2 mod....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
You know how the SF L2 has two output settings, low (15 lumens) and high (100 lumens), and the 9P has just the one output (105 lumens). I was thinking of buying an L2 to have the low and high settings, and wishing I could get the 9P to have a lower output for closeup work, etc. Then I figured out how the gate the ouput of the 9P down to about the 15-ish lumen level!
What you'll need: Surefire 9P which comes with the P90/105 lumen LA.($75) FM37 Beamcover($28) Drill and 1/4" drill bit. (Lets' face it, we all have those).

Step 1: Locate center of beamcover.
Step 2: Drill 1/4" hole thru the center.
Step 3: Affix Beamcover to front of 9P. (Of course it works with C3 as well)
Step 4: Enjoy reduced output for whatever reason you have to need it.
Step 5: Convert saved funds into extra batteries, Pila rechargeables, beer, tactical nylon gear, in-the-thong-at-the-stripclub-cash, or as any true flashaholic would do - another flashlight.
Step 6: Hide all of the above from spouse.

Yes my beamshots suck, I don't know how to take them.

The reduced output beam has a donut shape to it. The hole I drilled in this beam cover isn't quite center. Its a spare though, and I will try again on a new one that I have. But as you can see, it DOES work. The output is just a little more than a brand new AA MiniMag - perfect for when you don't want to blind yourself when looking at something closeup, or like me looking for something at night in the bedroom but don't want to wake up the spouse, etc. Also you get some shock protection from the cover. The rubber "boot" in the beamcover helps with shock also.
Yeah but the L2 runs for ~12 hours on low, whereas the 9P still runs for 1 hour on low... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Yes, thats true but like I stated above - you can convert the savings into extra batteries/rechargables...

I guess this mod is for people who already have a 9P/C3 and would like a way to get lower output when they need it/woulg like it...
why not using a beamshaper and some tae to adjust the light output?
no donut hole and better light for close distances.
I wanted to reduce the output not turn it into a flood. The light coming thru the beamshaper will still be way too bright for close-up like working on the inside of a computer, etc.


I was going to say you probably should have used one of the cheaper slip-on beam covers if you were going to drill a hole in it, but I'll bet with the heat that thing puts out, it's probably better with the more robust clamp-on FM37.

The L2 is a suh-WEET piece of gear, but $165 big ones would buy a lot of fun incan-toys, so it's a tough call.
Yes, don't remind me about how many times I almost hit the "Add to Cart" button on webstores when it comes to the L2, and L4. They've got that new matte black HA-III finish too - sexy. I just can't wait for the 5W LED drop-ins from bug out gear to come out...