My take on the SL Scorpion...


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
...that Onyx was so kind to let me try out before shipping it and other stuff to him!

It is one with an orange peel reflector. I put the batteries (Duracells) in and tried it out. Pretty bright but didn't strike me as good as my LX did. So I got it out. It has perhaps 10 minutes on the Energizers in it.

Shining both at white walls and ceiling shows me the Scorp is a tad brighter, but the LX has a smoother and somewhat larger beam with both lights at the tightest focus.

So now seeing a Scorp in person, and owning an LX... I won't need to buy a Scorp.

The Scorp does have a nicer shape and feel and an easier to manipulate switch.

But I'm going to get a Streamlight Stinger, Stinger HP, or UltraStinger very soon!
"I'm going to get a Streamlight Stinger, Stinger HP, or UltraStinger very soon!"

So much for being "cheap as they come", huh? d:^D

Hey nice sig line, especially the "Carl Sagan voice" thang. You can keep it since I recently changed mine anyway...
Only thing that could quell the US thing is the length. If I'm really going to use it as a tool, it needs to be fairly compact for where I will need it most.

And as far as cheap goes, I did some welding/fab for a buddy and the proceeds from that is my SL money.

And thanks for letting me keep Sagan Mr. Bulk!!!
Quick notes, My friend just purchased a Stinger HP, and it is VERY NICE!

I do want to write a full review, but let me say, that for as small as it is, it is one nice light.

For a smaller incandecent, it has a VERY VERY white beam, and while not surefire absolutely geometrically perfect beam, a very nice, medium small, intense tight beam, with a very even secondary periferal ring, with no noticable shadows. If SureFire got an A++ on beam quality, the Streamlight Stinger gets an A.

AND it is suprisingly compact. For a 40,000 CP light, it is small.

The Stinger HP has a very nice balance (to me anyway) between beam size and throw. I compared it to my Surge with brand new batteries, and while the Surge had a wider, brighter hot spot up close, the Stinger could punch out for several hundred feet further than the Surge could, yet the Stinger was still effective at shorter distances. Some of these pencil thin long beams are almost useless at short distances. Not the Stinger HP.

Don't have an US to compare, and of course, on my wish list of lights, is an SL-20x with an SL-35 bulb. 20 watts of light!
I can't recall where I saw it, but somewhere I came across a light by Streamlight that had only the middle bit textured, while the outer bit of the reflector was still smooth. Anyone know what model that is?

What does only having half the reflector textured do? Did they run out of money halfway or something...
I don't really know how to answer that Onyx.

I'm looking at an Eveready Lantern as I type this which has a reflector that is textured for almost half from the inside out, and smooth the rest of the way. It also has a buur spot right in the middle of the lense.

It tosses a very bright hot spot that is pretty tight, with a beautiful corona surrounding it.

I have an Everactive lantern with almost the same exact setup, and it throws a remarkably similar beam.

Close in theory is my Garrity 2D from Walmart.It has texture only about a quarter of the way from the middle out (and not very texturey at that), and no blur spot. It throws a bright but ringy spot going out to a decent but not very large corona.

Opposite in theory is the Garrity G-Tech. It is textured on the outer part of the reflector. It throws a beam that is bright, fairly compact, and quite artifacty. No noticeable corona area.

As a general rule, a fully textured reflector will throw a very smooth flood beam, a non textured will throw a blotchy spot, and partial texture does a combo.

Your Scorp has full texture, but it is not very aggresive texture, and it lets some ringyness out. Not much mind you, but not as smooth as my LX (which has a less aggresive texture)???.