Nacho typical ARCwhite!

Bad Influence

Newly Enlightened
Mar 28, 2002
Omaha, NE
And it doesn't look too friendly either judging by the specs..... Certainly not something you want to look down the business end... or shine on your skin. Maybe turn it on and toss it in a closet until the batteries die?
UV arcwhite
Holy cow, I must hê_¢

(Edit)... Crashed system, now I forgot what I was saying when it blew. I must do "something", that much is clear.

Nice light though. I've never seen a 254nm lamp in a bulb configuration like this.

If you look at the whole line of 254 germicidal products, look for a closeup of the discharge in one (I think it was the 4-watter?) check out the Faraday dark zone in the discharge column. That means the inverter is supplying pulsating DC to the tube instead of AC. I'm guessing the tube would last longer if it were removed & flipped around every time or every other time the battery is changed.
I would attach them to tree's at night so you can find your way back to camp with your night vision equipment? I guess it would be better to use the regular glow sticks, but what fun would that be?
Yes, IR lightsticks are for use with Low-Light-Level (nightvision) goggles.

Most standard NVG's like the US ARMY PNVS-5 and -7's are sensitive to IR. These lightsticks are used when indoors, where normal NVG's have little light to amplify.