Nailbender Drop in questions


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2014
Nova Caesarea
Wanted to ask for some thoughts on this one. I want to order the XM-L2 T5 4500 Neutral P60 dropin. Can you guys tell me the major attribute(s) of the smooth reflector Vs the Orange peel in this drop in? Will the hotspot be more blurred (transitioned) with the OP relector?? More throw with the smooth?

Looking for not just some throw, but a VERY good spill. Thanks!
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It would be best if you got the orange peel reflector if you are looking for throw/spill.

I always thought that it was smooth reflector if you wanted throw and orange peel if you wanted a smoother less artifact filled beam profile.
think Duq meant when wanting both ..
.. then the orange peel

OP is usually the best choice ...
Yes, to me, the few extra lux you may get from the smooth reflector is not worth the chance of a ringy beam. Plus, I really value the spill, even on my throwers.
I bought a few dropins years ago with smooth reflectors and I quickly learned if you are picky about the beam at all, go with orange peel. I think of smooth reflectors as a very specialty market. Smooth is one step beyond OP in the quest for more throw, but in the process it makes the beam look crappy (IMO) and in a P60 dropin format, you aren't going to get much more throw because of the size and shape of the reflector anyway.

If in doubt, go orange peel.

You can also get a little more throw from an XM-L2 by over driving the emitter somewhat. This is it's own topic I suppose but basically what I'm saying is overdrive the XM-L2 in an OP reflector and get basically the same throw as you would have with a spec driven SMO reflector - but now the beam looks great too. There are always trade offs but just throwing out some options.
Makes me wonder how Solarforce selects reflectors for their drop ins, as the last one I bought(XML-U2) with smooth reflector was quite throwy and yet had a very clean beam, just a slightly darker area at the center of the hotspot. If it was available in OP I would've bought that one though.
Nitecore must also go the extra mile on their reflectors, because both my TM11 and my EA4W have smooth reflectors, and both have very nice even beam patterns with no rings and no artifacts. I also would normally say go with the smooth for the extra throw, but OneBigDay makes a good point that with that size reflector, it won't make much difference in the throw, and orange peel will definitely give you a better beam pattern. I had a LF HO-6 in my G2 at one time, and it threw a nice beam over half a block, so I don't think you need to worry too much about throw with OP and and an XM-L2.