Need a KL4 board pic


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2001
Toronto, Ontario
I was opening my KL4 to replace the greenish emitter, and during the course of the opening, the negative (black) lead snapped off the cct board. I think I know where it goes, but I don't have a complete idea, as there isn't much left of the wire on the board to help me figure out where to re-solder it.

Could someone (Chop?? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif) please post a picture of an intact board with the wires attached, so I can see where they go? I can take it from there, just need the right location.

Thanks! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif

Sorry bud. I sold my last KL4 board a while back and I haven't owned a KL4 in almost a year.
Dang! Well, do you remember where the black wire goes on the board? There is a small bump on the board near the red wire (bump is in centre of the board), which is where I think it goes. I don't know for sure, and I'd rather know for sure before making the connection...

Anyone else? Maybe someone can open up his KL4 and let me know?

Thanks in advance!
NO! The bump in the center of the board is the + in from the battery to the board. There is a bump in the solder joint because there is a wire soldered to the board from the bottom.

There are only a few large solder joints on the board. IIRC, there are two on the outer rim. These are what hold the - contact ring in place. The very center is the one going to the + contact for the input from the battery. Again, IIRC, if you orient the board so that the inductor is pointing toward the ceiling, you will see the center joint. Immediately to the left of this should be the + lead going to the luxeon and then to the left of the + lead solder point should be another solder joint. This is where the - lead should be soldered.

I'm going to look around again. Maybe I can find a board laying around some place.
OK, I see the joint you are talking about - I will solder there.

One last question: are the KL4 boards open circuit protected, or should I solder in something (a resistor?) to test the polarity and make sure its a good joint before connecting another 5W Luxeon?
I don't think it's open circuit protected. I've never been brave enough to try. I know the KL1 and KL3 circuits are, but I'm not sure about the KL4.