Sid: do you want an LED light that will not be amplified by the NVG and overpower it? If so, the Air Force uses green for that purpose so a green Photon 2 or green Arc AAA would be what you want.
However, if you want a light source to illuminate an area with I/R light for the NVG to amplify, such as a sealed warehouse or triple-canopy jungle where there is no ambient light to amplify, then an I/R Photon 2 or I/R Arc AAA is the way to go.
I stock the I/R Photon 2s for this purpose and they work very well. I get them with a short (2-3") cord with a clip on the end so they can be attached to someones collar for tracking or videotape. They can also be clipped near the area of interest and they will flood the area with I/R light. Being Photon 2s they have the lock-on switch so you can leave them running. Due to low volume, they cost more than regular Photon 2s, $20 including shipping. The Arc AAA would probably work just as well but I don't have any, I'm sure Peter could fix you up.